Oracle ODBC Querys crashes Access


Dave K

Hi All,

My company owns an oracle server on a new site we have created, however i
have very little experiance with this type of DB only ever using SQL/Jet.

We are using Access to get view the data and create querys but what i'm
finding is that Access continually crashes for some strange reason.
An example of this is:

I create a access table with a list of order number, i join local table to
the oracle table order number field, this should then provide me with matches
of data from the oracle table. Very simple query....
At this point it crashes.

I have the same sort of error when i type in the criteria of the order
number in the oracle table " 12345678 or 87654321 ", it crashes.

However if i enter on seperate lines of criteria:
It works fine and access doesn't crash...

Could it be something as simple as we are using the incorrect driver?
Any other idea's?

Many thanks & regards,

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