"Order" menu grayed out on Drawing toolbar



Hi, I use Office both at work and home-just upgraded to an XP PC at home and
have a question.

When I just select a photo or other object on an MS WORD 2003 doc and want to
'send it to back', I click on the draw function on the draw toolbar but the
whole order menu is greyed out. I know this has to be a setting that needs to
be changed somewhere -help!


Stacking order only applies when multiple objects are stacked atop one
another. If you have only one lone object & want to have it appear behind
text content you need to apply Behind Text Text Wrapping to the object:

Right-Click the object, select Format Picture - Layout, or

Click the Text Wrapping button on the Picture toolbar after selecting the
picture (the button looks like a dog behind Venetian blinds).

HTH |:>)
Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac

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