Order of labels in the legend


Julie L

I currently have a stacked bar chart with five bars, depicting 5 groups -
excellent, very good, good, fair, and poor, in that order. Graphically, it
represents my data well- from top to bottom, it reads: excellent to poor.

But in the legend, it reads from "poor" to "excellent". Is there any way to
reverse the order in the legend to read from "excellent" to "poor".

J Terberg

Do you need a legend at all? You can simply remove it if your bars are
clearly labeled.

If you want to reverse the order of your data:

In chart editing mode, select the bottom axis (category, X) and choose
Format> Selected Axis. Select the Scale tab, and check the box for
Categories in Reverse Order.

Also, check to make sure you've entered the axis labels correctly in
the datasheet. Perhaps you reversed them while entering data?

Best wishes, Julie

Julie L

Yes, a legend is needed. Unfortunately the data in the will be reversed, but
the legend will be in the correct order. What I need is the data in the graph
to read a to z, but the legend to read z to a.

J Terberg

In this case, I'd delete the automatic legend from the chart and create
a new one with text and shapes that match the original.


Andy Pope

No, it really is MSGraph within Powerpoint.
Check the page again I have included an example file to download.


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