In my Delphi 5 application I have used TADOQuery through ADODB.
Following are the statements
Query1.SQL.Add('Select Id, Attr From ABC');
Query1.Prepared := True;
But it is seen that, the sequece of the records fetched by the above SQL
statement is different than the sequence of the records available through
MS-Access Application. I need the field 'Attr' in the order those are stored
in the database.
After that I added 'Order by Id' at the end of the SQL Statement, but the
result is the same.
Could any body aware of this situation when the requirement is to retrive
the records from a table in the order the records are stored?
Following are the statements
Query1.SQL.Add('Select Id, Attr From ABC');
Query1.Prepared := True;
But it is seen that, the sequece of the records fetched by the above SQL
statement is different than the sequence of the records available through
MS-Access Application. I need the field 'Attr' in the order those are stored
in the database.
After that I added 'Order by Id' at the end of the SQL Statement, but the
result is the same.
Could any body aware of this situation when the requirement is to retrive
the records from a table in the order the records are stored?