Order the names by ranking


Alexandra Lopes

I have a list of collaborators with an associated classification. With
the function rank, I obtain the ranking of each one. And now I intend
that whenever it modifies the classification, that the names of the
collaborators are presented by order of ranking, automatically.

Somebody can help me?

Here's an example:

collaborators classification rank
galvao 75,8 8
pereira 70 11
ferreira 66 12
almeida 85 5
fournel 73,2 9
leal 62 17
rodrigues 55 18
hpereira 63 16
santos 64,5 15
jcruz 65 14
godinho 66 12
martins 88 2
amorim 86 4
mendes 80 6
nunes 87 3
ppereira 89 1
raposos 77 7
teixeiras 71 10

Thanks in advance!

Alexandra Lopes

Where I said order I meant sort

Alexandra said:
I have a list of collaborators with an associated classification. With
the function rank, I obtain the ranking of each one. And now I intend
that whenever it modifies the classification, that the names of the
collaborators are presented by order of ranking, automatically.

Somebody can help me?

Here's an example:

Thanks in advance!

Gary''s Student

Say we have data in cols A & B like:

Name Score
Curley 8
Shep 88
Moe 5
Larry 100

We would like to have this data automatically sorted anytime a value in cols
A or B has changed. (in this example Larry would automatically move to the

In the worksheet code area install this small event macro:

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
Set t = Target
n = Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
Set r = Range("A1:B" & n)
If Intersect(t, r) Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
Application.EnableEvents = False
r.Sort Key1:=Range("B2"), Order1:=xlDescending, Header:=xlYes
Application.EnableEvents = True
End Sub

Because it is worksheet code, it is very easy to install and use:

1. right-click the tab name near the bottom of the window
2. select View Code - this brings up a VBE window
3. paste the stuff in and close the VBE window

If you save the workbook, the macro will be saved with it.

To remove the macro:

1. bring up the VBE windows as above
2. clear the code out
3. close the VBE window

To learn more about macros in general, see:


To learn more about Event Macros (worksheet code), see:


Alexandra Lopes


I made what you said myself but the data had not been moved..they stay
in the initial order, don't move..

Could you help me?

Gary''s Student

Sure let's debug in a fresh, new worksheet:

1. put some names in col A
2. put some random values in col B (NOT SORTED)
3. install the macro in the proper area (instruction in previous post)
4. change a value in column B
5. tell me what occurred.

Alexandra Lopes


I made the 4 steps that you said me and I saw no changes in the data..

I am using excel 2007. . I don't know if it interests.

Alexandra Lopes


I've repeat everythinh again (the 4 steps that you said me) and it's
nice, this results:)

Thank you very much!

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