Org Chart -- Imports from Word of Job Descriptions?



We are new to Visio, using the trial version. My wife's boss just dumped a
project on her that I said I'd try to help her with. Her new, computer
illiterate, boss is making many organizational changes (small university) and
wants to make a PowerPoint presentation illustrating these changes.

He wants to be able to click on a position and have the job description for
that position pop-up as a new page/slide. The job descriptions are in Word
2003. My wife has Word & PowerPoint 2007 on her machine at work, and we have
Office 2003 on our PC's at home. Is this possible in Visio, or should we be
using a different application?

Neither of us are very techno-savvy, so if this is possible, could you
please explain, in simple terms, how we should go about doing this.

Many, many thanks for any assistance you can provide.


Yes, this can be done in Visio, but, I don't think that's the way to go. In
order to do the linking from PwrPnt, each position must be selectable. If
you make the org chart in Visio, and import the drawing into PwrPnt, then
only the entire drawing is selectable...unless you double click the drawing,
which brings up Visio, and then click the shape to get to the link. Rather
messy. So, I would draw the org chart in PwrPnt. Then, select each shape,
one at a time, either right click the box, press cntl-K, or go to the Insert
menu and click Hyperlink. The pop-up form lets you specify a Word file, but
only a Word file, not pages within it. So, there must be one file per shape.
If the PwrPnt file is going to move from computer to computer, the links
must be able to find the destination Word files. It probably easiest to keep
the PwrPnt and Word files all in a common directory, and ship the directory
about. Or, if you have a common server, then some directory on that server.

These links might prove useful regarding hyperlinks:
Power Point:




Many THANKS WapperDude!
We tried all kinds of things yesterday and today to try to import the job
descriptions as .xml and .pdf files and nothing worked. I think you hit the
nail on the head... PowerPoint it will be.
Again, thanks for your advice.


Your very welcome.

LeeSun said:
Many THANKS WapperDude!
We tried all kinds of things yesterday and today to try to import the job
descriptions as .xml and .pdf files and nothing worked. I think you hit the
nail on the head... PowerPoint it will be.
Again, thanks for your advice.

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