Kate said:
I am getting the following error message when trying to open an organizational chart in powerpoint 2000 running on Windows XP. I have read kb article 218571 but cannot find the Msoprefs.232 and Msoclip.232 files. Does anyone know how to get around this problem?
What's the error message say, Kate?
If it's the "unable to load Org Chart" thing described in kb article
218571, and all you need to do is find those .232 files, you may just
need to unhide some files in Windows Explorer.
Open a Windows Explorer window -- just opening a My Documents window
would work here. Go to Tools/Folder Options/View tab. Click the radio
button to "show hidden files and folders." Close that dialog.
Now right-click on your Start button and select Search. Put *.232 in the
file name area. In the Look In area, navigate to "my computer" or "local
harddrives." I'd also suggest clicking on the "more advanced options"
and making sure that Search System Folders and Search Subfolders are
both selected. And if you want to just elect to "search hidden files and
folders" here, you can skip the step above where you unhid them.
Hit the Search button and see if the *.232 files turn up. They're in
C:\Windows here.