Organization chart automatic layout flush



I use a vb program to change a Visio template file. The program adds tags
like this:
<mstns:TextBlock ID="{A4C09559-E363-4784-9148-3B57960E042B}">

<mstns:TextBlockFont>Arial Narrow</mstns:TextBlockFont>

These properties are all filled in the Organizational Chart->Options...
->Text tab, but they are not applied to the shapes (which are added by
automation). Only if I manually change one property on this screen, all other
changes are also applied. Does anyone know what method I could call to
similate pushing the OK button on the 'Organizational Chart->Options...'
screen. Thanks in advance.


I found this:
One, you can analyze the Orgchart menu via Visio's UI object to see what the
commands are. Since I don't do this sooo often, I always forget and find it
a bit of a pain...just laziness really.

Can someone explain how to do this?
I guess you must catch an event in order to be able to look at the UIObject,
but I don't know which event.

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