I'm having some trouble determining how to set up some tables, queries, and forms. I've tried a few things and nothing has worked...so I will give my situation and maybe someone will be able to help figure out how to set this up. Tried setting up 2 tables, a query with both, and then a form based on the query. But what I'm trying to do hasn't really worked this way. So here goes..
We hold training sessions, and must have a form that compiles all of the clients with some totals as to total clients, how many are minorities, how many have disabilities, fees collected, etc... But we also would like to know who was at that training. Each client fills out an intake (information form) which is already set up with a separate form and table. Each client is assigned a unique ID and after they are uploaded to the gov't database they are assigned a government id number which is then also entered into our database. Each training session also receives an id number when uploaded from access, and we must have our own id number to upload (which is auto generated). The clients that attend the training, we would like to link to their client information table. But many clients may attend more than one training (thus they have replicated client numbers and gov't id numbers). I would like a list of the clients by their client number and last name, by the training number we assign and the gov't id training number. I tried putting this all on 1 table with the other training sheet info (but listing client1id client 1lastname, client2id client2lastname, etc...) But that didn't work. I also tried to set up a separate table with their info, query which combines the 2, and then have 1 form. But that also didn't work right. I really want to keep away from having to enter each trained client individually on to a separate form into a separate table. But rather would like 1 form where I just list them (in separate fields) and they enter as separate records on to the table that is set to list them by client id, last name, and the 2 training numbers. I just don't know how to set this up. Everything I've tried has brought me errors and bugs. I've only been working with access since the beginning of Oct so I am learning as I go. So any help anyone can give me would be greatly appreciated in how to link this all together. Also, if you have any more questions you can ask
Thanks to anyone who is willing to help me tackle this
We hold training sessions, and must have a form that compiles all of the clients with some totals as to total clients, how many are minorities, how many have disabilities, fees collected, etc... But we also would like to know who was at that training. Each client fills out an intake (information form) which is already set up with a separate form and table. Each client is assigned a unique ID and after they are uploaded to the gov't database they are assigned a government id number which is then also entered into our database. Each training session also receives an id number when uploaded from access, and we must have our own id number to upload (which is auto generated). The clients that attend the training, we would like to link to their client information table. But many clients may attend more than one training (thus they have replicated client numbers and gov't id numbers). I would like a list of the clients by their client number and last name, by the training number we assign and the gov't id training number. I tried putting this all on 1 table with the other training sheet info (but listing client1id client 1lastname, client2id client2lastname, etc...) But that didn't work. I also tried to set up a separate table with their info, query which combines the 2, and then have 1 form. But that also didn't work right. I really want to keep away from having to enter each trained client individually on to a separate form into a separate table. But rather would like 1 form where I just list them (in separate fields) and they enter as separate records on to the table that is set to list them by client id, last name, and the 2 training numbers. I just don't know how to set this up. Everything I've tried has brought me errors and bugs. I've only been working with access since the beginning of Oct so I am learning as I go. So any help anyone can give me would be greatly appreciated in how to link this all together. Also, if you have any more questions you can ask
Thanks to anyone who is willing to help me tackle this