Organization Table for video game.



I have a list of drops (160 total), I have assigned each drop to the
I have a list of players (20 total).
Each player has 17 slots to fill. They have assigned a certain amount of
points for each slot depending on what they want fill first. Some will have
multiple items on certain slots.

For example Player 1 and Player 3 could compete for the same drop (ie Drop
1) in the same Slot (H1)

Players are already assigned Points for each slot

I want to be able to search by Drop and the output would be which Player has
any given Slot and how Points they have towards that Slot

Also, how would I integrate a Pre-Assigned Point system into this

Player 1 Player 2 Player 3 Player 4 etc

Drop 1 Slot (H1) Slot (H1)
Drop 2
Drop 3 Slot (Z1)
Drop 4
Drop 5 Slot (E1) Slot (E1)
Drop 6
Drop 7
Drop 8
Drop 9 Slot (Z1)
Drop 10

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