In our previous version of WORD 2000/03 we could move autotext from one
template to another so easily by accessing Tools/Macros/Organizer then
selecting the Autotext tab. We could move multiple items at the same time by
selecting then and then moving them to template we select. I do not see
where I can do this in Word 2007. The organizer does not have an autotext
tab. The building blocks organizer only allows you to edit one entry at a
time. I have several hundred I need to do. Any assistance would be greatly
template to another so easily by accessing Tools/Macros/Organizer then
selecting the Autotext tab. We could move multiple items at the same time by
selecting then and then moving them to template we select. I do not see
where I can do this in Word 2007. The organizer does not have an autotext
tab. The building blocks organizer only allows you to edit one entry at a
time. I have several hundred I need to do. Any assistance would be greatly