Hi Cresta,
Looks like i'm abandoning that route, thanks for your input.
I have had another thought on this.
I already have an addin which creates our corporate ribbon when Word starts.
Is it possible to use this addin to add the OutlineNumbering code into Words
auto_open or auto_new macro as the addin is loaded.
Does this sound logical?
Yes, you should be able to use your add-in to create list styles.
However, I suggest you do *not* use the ListGallery for this. The ListGallery
entries tend to change their order, depending on what the user does when using
Word. Much better to link your outline numbering to a set of styles, or create
a ListTemplate and provide the tools for using it in your Ribbon.
The point at which your add-in should create the numbering stuff in a document:
Your Add-in should be able to trap the DocumentOpen and DocumentNew events of
the Application object.
If you need more help with setting up the events you should probably post in a
different newsgroup (or forum). Which programming language/technology are you
using to create this add-in? VB6? Visual Studio .NET with the Shared Add-ins
template? Or VSTO?
Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland
http://homepage.swissonline.ch/cindymeister (last update Jun 17 2005)
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