Organizing Sections



I'm new to One Note but am finding the posts very he|pful. Got off on the
wrong foot. I created my sections A-E,F-K,etc and thought I'd name files
within each section for each client (e.g. Doe, Jane in section A-E). This
doesn't seem to be working. Now seems like I will have to create a section
for each client. I have 100s of clients with recurring appointments.

Will the desktop become too crowded and cumbersome?
Am I on the right track? Welcome any suggestions.

-- One Note is forcing me to interact with my laptop the way I'd normally
use paper (without all the bulk). I get it. This is the point. Just takes
some getting used to.


Ben M. Schorr - MVP

It will get pretty crowded -- you'll probably have to make a lot of use of
the Search function in order to move easily between clients and sections.


Ben M. Schorr, OneNote-MVP
Roland Schorr & Tower
Microsoft OneNote FAQ:

**I apologize but I am unable to respond to direct requests for assistance.
Please post questions and replies here in the newsgroup. Mahalo!

Erik Sojka (MVP)

As Ben mentioned, the search feature will be helpful as your Notebook

Once you reorganize your client notes into separate sections, it may be
helpful to group those sections alphabetically into folders as you first
attempted to do with sections. Create an A-E folder into which go all of
the sections for clients with names in A-E, etc. It will be more
visually appealing to see your 100s of clients organized this way.


Thanks all for the the advice.

Erik Sojka (MVP) said:
As Ben mentioned, the search feature will be helpful as your Notebook

Once you reorganize your client notes into separate sections, it may be
helpful to group those sections alphabetically into folders as you first
attempted to do with sections. Create an A-E folder into which go all of
the sections for clients with names in A-E, etc. It will be more
visually appealing to see your 100s of clients organized this way.

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