Original messages in replies


J. J.

When I reply to a message in Outlook 2003, the original message sent to me
appears in my reply -- just like I want it to.

However, when the sender replies to my reply, and I reply again, the
sender's most recent reply does NOT appear in my email.

How can I fix this? When I reply, I want all of the messages back and forth
to appear below, so we can track our conversations.



You can't fix this. It's a setting on the receiver's computer, not yours. His
email is NOT set to "include original message in reply."

J. J.

That doesn't make sense to me. Everything is appearing correctly when they
reply to me the first time -- including my previous email to them. That
wouldn't occur if their computer was set not to include the original in the

It's when I reply again that Outlook drops out their most recent email to me
-- and only shows the first email and my first reply -- It does not show
their response to my reply. It seems that since my computer IS set to show
the original in my replies, that everything that comes to me would appear
below my response when I reply -- regardless of whether or not it's my first
reply or one generation later.

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