Original text in replies have many words that run together?



I have recently installed Office/2007 on a new machine. Outlook is
(12.0.6136.5000) SP1 MSO (12.0.6230.5000). Using the new Outlook, I have
noticed that when people are replying to me with original message in the
reply message, I see what appears to be random words catenated together
within the original message portion of the reply. Never their unque reply
portion. EG I want to send copies comes back as I want tosend copies. Do you
have email addresses returns as Do youhave email addresses....

It is seen on multiple user replies both on PCs and Macs. Not sure what they
are using on their end. Just trying to figure out if it is me, outlook, or
what? Any suggestions how to investigate? It appears to be cosmetic but
never noticed this issue on my old machine on Office/2003.


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