Here's the scenario:
- User creates some Deliverables which are created on the Project Server.
Task and Deliverable are tied with GUIDs
- User closes, without saving, Project on his desktop. Tasks are not saved.
Deliverables are not rolled back so they stay on the Project Server.
- User opens the Project again and tries to re-create the Deliverables based
on the Tasks.
*** DELIVERABLES are already created, so an error is thrown.
Question is, how do I use the Task to find the Deliverables which are
already created and tie them back together?
- User creates some Deliverables which are created on the Project Server.
Task and Deliverable are tied with GUIDs
- User closes, without saving, Project on his desktop. Tasks are not saved.
Deliverables are not rolled back so they stay on the Project Server.
- User opens the Project again and tries to re-create the Deliverables based
on the Tasks.
*** DELIVERABLES are already created, so an error is thrown.
Question is, how do I use the Task to find the Deliverables which are
already created and tie them back together?