osX up-grade?


ed fields

I've bought Office '98 and am about to buy my first OSX
MAC. All I have left of Office '98 is the serial number.
Can I use the up-grade to Office X or do I have to buy a
whole new version?
Also, I've never used this kind of support before. The
Microsoft web site is so impenetrable, I couldn't get any
help there.

Does somebody e-mail an answer to me? I'll never find this
place again? How can Microsoft have the worst web site?

Thank you.

Ed Fields
(e-mail address removed)
212 431 3666 (call co

Dayo Mitchell

Don't know about the upgrade issues, but the MS interface for the newsgroups
is horrible (reportedly). Try using Google, click on Groups, or setting up
a newsreader (Mozilla, Netscape, Outlook Express) to read them is even
better (Help in any of those programs should walk you through it) . Google
Groups also has a very good search function so you *will* be able to find
messages again (search for your own name, or for your question to see if it
has already been answered).

Generally, answers are not emailed directly, people are expected to check
back for replies to their posting. Newsreaders/Google make it easy to sort
by subject to see if any replies have been posted. I believe the MS site
has a little "+" you can click to see replies.


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