OSX10.1.9 Update Issues



Hi, all.

Downloading the OfficeX-1019UpdateEN.dmg from the Microsoft site.

It downloads fine (39mb), and the file shows on the desktop, but nothing
happens when I double click. Have deleted and tried a couple of times.
Sometimes I get a message stating that the "volume failed to mount". It
looks like it tries to open, then nothing.

I know I should probably get a more current Office, but can I get this
update to work? Am using a 1.67 gig PwerPC G4 Aluminum laptop running OS



Well, had several versions of the dmg on my desktop and one of them opened.

Thanks anyway.

Michel Bintener

Jolly said:
You're still running Mac OS X 10.1?! My goodness, how do you manage??

My guess is that the OP is not running *Mac OS X* 10.1.9, but rather
*Office v.X* 10.1.9 (which, fair enough, was released almost
simultaneously with Mac OS X 10.1).

Anyway, I can't help you with your PowerPoint problem. Does it happen
with all the files you're trying to open, or does it only affect some?
Does re-applying the 10.1.9 combo update solve the problem? If it
doesn't, ask your question on microsoft.public.mac.office.powerpoint;
you're more likely to get an answer over there.

Michel Bintener
Microsoft MVP
Office:Mac (Entourage & Word)

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