OT a little...Chat room


andy asberry

I manage the web site for a national junior livestock association. the
Directors are scattered all over the country. Of course, everyone has
a different ISP. They want me to explore setting up a chat room to
replace their expensive conference call Board of Directors meetings.

I'm not familiar with FP's discussion group feature. I assume it is
like this news group rather than a chat room where the messages are
displayed instantly.

I'm open to suggestions or words of experience on how to handle this.


Steve Easton

You're probably going to laugh at this but...

Tell them all to download and install Yahoo Instant Messenger.
You can have multiple "Buddies" Instant messaging in the same "window"
It will save you a ton of headaches
and bandwidth.

Stefan B Rusynko

Actually there is more cross program support (especially in Outlook 2003)
in Windows Messenger http://www.microsoft.com/windowsxp/pro/evaluation/overviews/communication.asp
or in Net Meeting
or in MSO Live Meeting

Plus Yahoo Messenger hijacks port 80 causing FP publishing problems

| You're probably going to laugh at this but...
| Tell them all to download and install Yahoo Instant Messenger.
| You can have multiple "Buddies" Instant messaging in the same "window"
| It will save you a ton of headaches
| and bandwidth.
| --
| using 2k PRO but....95isalive
| This site is best viewed............
| .......................with a computer
| | > I manage the web site for a national junior livestock association. the
| > Directors are scattered all over the country. Of course, everyone has
| > a different ISP. They want me to explore setting up a chat room to
| > replace their expensive conference call Board of Directors meetings.
| >
| > I'm not familiar with FP's discussion group feature. I assume it is
| > like this news group rather than a chat room where the messages are
| > displayed instantly.
| >
| > I'm open to suggestions or words of experience on how to handle this.
| >
| > Thanks.

andy asberry


Stefan B Rusynko

If you are running Yahoo Messenger it monopolizes Port 80, required for http publishing in FP

| On Fri, 2 Jan 2004 06:46:17 -0500, "Stefan B Rusynko"
| >Actually there is more cross program support (especially in Outlook 2003)
| >in Windows Messenger http://www.microsoft.com/windowsxp/pro/evaluation/overviews/communication.asp
| >or in Net Meeting
| >http://www.microsoft.com/windows/netmeeting/
| >or in MSO Live Meeting
| >http://office.microsoft.com/home/office.aspx?assetid=FX010909711033
| >
| >Plus Yahoo Messenger hijacks port 80 causing FP publishing problems
| Could you elaborate on the last statement, please?

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