OT, product key



I can't find much on this subject, I am purchasing a refirb laptop (my first)
from a reputable rebuilder, however I would like to make sure the xp
installed is legal. I searched ms site and they would like you run it. Is
there another way to check from the product key info besides visual? I have a
desktop with a cable modem and do not have a way to conect my laptop to the
cable yet. Is there a way or a place where I could verify the product key on
the day it arrives, that way I'll put my mine at ease until I figure a way to
connect it to my cable.
I know it's off topic but any help would be appreciated.


No there is no other way to verify whether the software installed on
your system is legal or not apart from the fact that you are buying from
a "reputable rebuilder". You have to trust him because you know him to
be reputable!

As soon as you connect your system online, you will be asked to install
WGA (this is optional though) and this will verify for you.

Hope this helps.

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