OT USB flash memory drive - password program

  • Thread starter Stephen Sherwin
  • Start date

Stephen Sherwin

I recently purchased a corsair USB 4gb flash drive. It came with
security software called something like true crypt - which is beyond me
to use and involves setting up a virtual volumes.

I don`t require encryption but I would like a utility that allows you to
set a password and enter this when the USB drive is plugged in. I had an
earlier USB drive from a different company and it had suitable software
but it seems to be tied to that companys flash drives and I haven`t seen
it elsewhere.

can anybody suggest a suitable password program?


Harlan Grove

Stephen Sherwin said:
yes but options all involve encryption

If your goal is securing the files on your flash drive, then you
should want encryption. It's EASY to disable autorun programs on flash
drives (otherwise there'd be no way to catch viruses installed as
autorun programs on flash drives), and those programs would only run
under Windows. Plug that flash drive into a Mac or a machine running
Linux or BSD, and you'd have full access to the drive without having
to enter the password. Encryption, OTOH, would at least make it
difficult for others to read the files on any system.

General rule of computing: passwords are relatively simple to crack,
encryption is difficult to crack.

Stephen Sherwin

as I stated before I do not encryption, as all I store are music,
pictures and a few personal letters and spreadsheets, hardly state
secrets but I would just like them kept private, anybody with any
further suggestions?

Harlan Grove

Stephen Sherwin said:
as I stated before I do not encryption, as all I store are music,
pictures and a few personal letters and spreadsheets, hardly state
secrets but I would just like them kept private, anybody with any
further suggestions?

Store 'em in a Zip file that has a password.

Password protecting the drive only works under Windows, and then only
when users have enabled autorun programs on removable drives. Drive
passwords won't keep anything private from anyone with a modest
understanding of Windows security settings.

You might consider inferring what the absence of other suggestions
means with respect to the accuracy of my responses and the futility of
your preferred approach.

Harlan Grove

If you want a different answer, why not try posting in an ON-TOPIC
newsgroup like microsoft.public.windowsxp.hardware .

Gary Smith

Stephen Sherwin said:
as I stated before I do not encryption, as all I store are music,
pictures and a few personal letters and spreadsheets, hardly state
secrets but I would just like them kept private, anybody with any
further suggestions?

To reinforce what others have said, if you want privacy, encryption is the
only way to get it. If you're not willing to use encryption, you're not
going to have privacy. Of course, you could remove the drive and lock it
in a safe, but that's not terribly convenient or portable.

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