Other users opening Word files with macros



1) I created a Word document that is Protected (Toolbar=Tools>Protect
Document>Filling in forms)
2) I created a macros that allowed a hyperlink to still work while the form
was protected (using visual basic editor).
3) I created a SelfCert that allowed the macros to run in high security.
4) When I opened my form, it asked me to either "disable macros" or "always
trust certification (not sure correct wording here) from this publisher"
(this is a checkbox)

My question/problem is:
When a user on another computer opens my form, she gets the same message,
"disable macros" or "always trust...from this publisher". HOWEVER, the
checkbox for "always trust ...from this publisher" is shaded and she can't
click on it. So the only way she can open the form is to click "disable
macros". Which means the form opens, but the hyperlink macros won't work.

Any ideas, feedback, solutions, suggestions, would be appreciated. I have
already searched the discussion groups and found useful information related
to macros and errors, but not this particular situation.

Thank you!

Charles Kenyon

This is a problem with macros.

The user can change macro security to "Medium" in which case an option to
enable the macros should appear. The option to trust you may also be

Otherwise, if the user puts your template (not document, template) in one of
the templates folders listed under Tools > Options > File Locations, and has
macro security set to trust installed templates and Add-Ins, no warning will
be shown.
Charles Kenyon

Word New User FAQ & Web Directory: http://addbalance.com/word

Intermediate User's Guide to Microsoft Word (supplemented version of
Microsoft's Legal Users' Guide) http://addbalance.com/usersguide

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Let me make sure I understand your response correctly. In order to fix this

1) As the creator of the document/template, there is nothing else I can do
to ensure a different user can open it without an error/warning message.
2) A different user must adjust their individual settings to open the
document/template without an error/warning message.

Thank you for clarifyin/comfirming!


This is a problem with macros.

The user can change macro security to "Medium" in which case an option to
enable the macros should appear. The option to trust you may also be

Otherwise, if the user puts your template (not document, template) in one of
the templates folders listed under Tools > Options > File Locations, and has
macro security set to trust installed templates and Add-Ins, no warning will
be shown.

Charles Kenyon

You've got it. If you are in a corporate environment that has standard
settings, you can hope that the settings your recipient has are set to that
standard. Again, that is a problem with macros.
Charles Kenyon

Word New User FAQ & Web Directory: http://addbalance.com/word

Intermediate User's Guide to Microsoft Word (supplemented version of
Microsoft's Legal Users' Guide) http://addbalance.com/usersguide

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and questions to the newsgroup so that others can learn
from my ignorance and your wisdom.

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