Oulook 2007 Does Not Open



I am using Outlook 2007. Recently I have encountered a problem that I do not
know how to resolve. I will be using Outlook during the day -- opening and
closing it.

Sometimes when I go to open the application, I get the hourglass like the
program is starting, then nothing happens. I even right mouse click on the
icon and click on Open, still nothing.

I have looked at my Windows Task Manager to see if the application is
running and it does not show anything. However if I go to processes, I will
see Outlook.exe in that section numerous times.

I end up having to reboot the computer and then when Outlook opens it opens
in Safe Mode since it says it did not shut down properly the last time.

Any suggestions on how to correct this would be appreciated.


I removed the srs filed as suggested. That did not resolve the problem. I
do not have any of the software listed.

I am not sure what else to try to resolve the problem. It is a real


Oliver Vukovics said:
Hi Michael,

have a look on this site:

"OUTLOOK.EXE continues running after you exit Outlook "

Maybe it helps.

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