Out Of memory error messages



I am trying to open a 20 MB Excel spreadsheet using Office 2000 SBE SERVICE RELEASE 1

On my windows 98 SE machine running a celeron 1.0 ghz with 128 mb ram I can open multiple excel spreadsheets between 15 and 20 MB in size with no problem.

On my Windows XP professional machines running SP1 with P4 2.8 HT with 512 MB of Ram the largest Excel spreadsheet I can open is around 15 MB. After that I can not open any additional spreadsheets. I am Using Office 2000 SBE Service release 1. I have tried using OSR2 and 3 with no success. I have also tried using Office XP Professional with no SR, with SR 1 and 2 and I get the same result.

Does anyone have any ideas why this is happening? The issue seems to be with Windows XP professional. I can recreate this issue all day long yet I have no problems when try using windows 98 computers.

Please Help

Thank you in advance



Did you ever find a solution to your problem? I am
having the same issue and would love to have your input.
-----Original Message-----
I am trying to open a 20 MB Excel spreadsheet using
On my windows 98 SE machine running a celeron 1.0 ghz
with 128 mb ram I can open multiple excel spreadsheets
between 15 and 20 MB in size with no problem.
On my Windows XP professional machines running SP1 with
P4 2.8 HT with 512 MB of Ram the largest Excel
spreadsheet I can open is around 15 MB. After that I can
not open any additional spreadsheets. I am Using Office
2000 SBE Service release 1. I have tried using OSR2 and 3
with no success. I have also tried using Office XP
Professional with no SR, with SR 1 and 2 and I get the
same result.
Does anyone have any ideas why this is happening? The
issue seems to be with Windows XP professional. I can
recreate this issue all day long yet I have no problems
when try using windows 98 computers.

Randy D. Pflueger


I had users with the same problem. The problem is the bultin memory manager in Excel. Office 2000 and older limit the RAM at 64Meg. OfficeXP limits it at 128Meg, and Office 2003 has a limit of 1Gig. I upgraded my users to Office 2003 and the problem seems to have been resolved. Check out this link: http://www.decisionModels.com/memlimitsc.htm.

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