"Out of memory" error while exporting data from SQLServer to EXCEL!


Trieu Anh Dung

My ASP web application query data from SQL Server 2000 and export to EXCEL
Here is my code:

<%@ Language=VBScript %>
<%Option Explicit
Response.Buffer = true
<!-- #include file="checksecurity.asp" -->
<!-- #include file="msgconst.asp" -->
<!-- #include file="connectdb.asp" -->
<!-- #include file="toc.asp" -->
<!-- #include file="error-lib.asp" -->
<!-- #include file="navigator.asp" -->
<!-- #include file="interfacelib.asp" -->
Sub Initialize()
Dim strExFieldList, strExFromTables, strExWhere, strExSort, strExKey,
intExPage, intExRows

'Lay du lieu dau vao tu Request
strExFieldList =Request("FieldList")

'Xay dung cau lenh lay du lieu loi tu bang Error va Status
Dim strSQL, rstData, intTotalPages, intTotalRows
Set rstData = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.RecordSet")
strSQL = " SELECT A.Name As IssueName, A.Description, A.RaisedTo,
A.[Date], B.Name As Status FROM " & strExFromTables & " WHERE " &
strExWhere & " ORDER BY " & strExSort
'Response.Write strSQL & "<BR>"

'Ket noi CSDL
Dim objConnection
Call OpenConnection(objConnection)

if Not(objConnection is nothing) then
'Query du lieu
rstData.CursorLocation = 3
rstData.Open strSql,objConnection
'Chuan bi bang du lieu
ReDim arrData(1,1)
Dim iCount
ReDim arrData(rstData.RecordCount*2,5)
iCount = 0
'Response.Write "Getting " & rstData.RecordCount & " record(s) "
do while not rstData.EOF
arrData(iCount*2,0) = iCount + 1
arrData(iCount*2,1) = Literal2Unicode(rstData("IssueName"))
arrData(iCount*2,2) = rstData("RaisedTo")
arrData(iCount*2,3) = rstData("Date")
arrData(iCount*2,4) = Literal2Unicode(rstData("Status"))
arrData(iCount*2+1,1) = Literal2Unicode(rstData("Description"))

Response.Write "."
iCount = iCount + 1
set rstData = nothing

'Lay thu muc ghi file
Dim strAttPath, strDestPath

strAttPath = Server.MapPath("./.") & "\" & ATTACHMENTS_FOLDER & "\"
strDestPath = strAttPath & Session("CompanyCode") & "\"

'Kiem tra thu muc
Dim objFSO, objFolder
Dim objUploader, strNewFile, strNewFolder

Set objFSO = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
if Not(objFSO.FolderExists(strDestPath)) then
Set objFolder = objFSO.CreateFolder(strDestPath)
end if
if Err.number<>0 then exit sub

'Xuat ra excel
'Kiem tra file template
Dim strTemplateFileName
strTemplateFileName = "TrkTemplate.xls"

Dim oExcel,oBook,oSheet
Set oExcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application")

if objFSO.FileExists(strAttPath & strTemplateFileName) then
Set oBook = oExcel.Workbooks.Open(strAttPath & strTemplateFileName)
Set oBook = oExcel.Workbooks.Add
end if
'Get the first worksheet in the workbook so that you can
'make changes to it
Set oSheet = oBook.Worksheets(1)
'Response.Write "<BR>Ubound=" & UBound(arrData,1)
oSheet.Range("A1").Value = "Report date: " & Now()
'Sinh ten file
Dim strExFileName
strExFileName = "Report" & Session.SessionID & Hour(Now()) &
& Second(Now()) & ".xls"
'Response.Write "<BR>" & strExFileName & "<BR>"
oBook.SaveAs strDestPath & strExFileName
oBook.Close true

Set oBook = Nothing
Set oExcel = Nothing
' Response.Write "Genarate complete!"

'Sinh code HTML de nguoi dung download file ket qua
call DisplayPage(strExFileName,true,"")
end if

Call CloseConnection(objConnection)
End Sub

<%call Initialize()%>

it runs smoothly with 3000 records of category "A" but it failed with just
135 records of category "B" with some specific unicode data. I always get
"Out of memory" error at line 90:

oSheet.Range(oSheet.Cells(5,1),oSheet.Cells(UBound(arrData,1)+5,5)).Text =

I'm sure that the memory is enough to store all the data. Please help me to
fix this error.

Thanks for reading

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