Thank you for your advice. A few more questions...
We are relying heavily on GC as we overwrite ArrayList objects multiple
times. I gather we should be explicitly
Finalizing/Disposing/Marshal.ReleaseCOMObject-ing these structures because
the GC does not actually recover the COM objects?
Its this true in all cases where we overwrite a managed object or have it go
out of scope?
Any guidance as to which cases deallocating Managed objects results in the
most corruption of memory?
Could it be we exhaust memory (1Gb), when the Task Manager shows memory in
the area of 50Mb for the Outlook Addin (factor of 20x)? Does this C#
unmanged object problem NOT show up in the Task Manager report of memory used
by Outlook+Addin?
Looking up "RPC Channel Limit" it appears to be associated with
Outlook-Exchange messaging. Is this still a factor when we are connecting to
a non-Exchange SMTP email server?
Lastly and most importantly, is there some well below maximum RAM on the
system for Outlook VSTO Addins?
Thank you