"Out of memory or system resources" - what is causing this?


Michael Moser

A while ago I started to get the error messages "Out of memory or system
resources". Close some windows or programs and try again" when pasting
things into Outlook. First this appeared only occasional, but recently
this is showing up practically every time I paste something into

Since I have a machine with 2GB of RAM and ample space for the pagefile
(which I haven't maxed but have it "managed automatically", so it could
grow to whatever the system considers required) and since my .pst file
is down to 65MB (it has been >100MB several times in the past), I don't
think this is really a memory issue. Rather I suspect, that some other
system setting (GDI, icon-cache, or something of that sort) is

Any idea or hint what could cause that problem? Or how to diagnose this?


K. Orland

Are you using Word as your email editor? Check your processes to see if
Winword.exe is running even when Word or Outlook aren't. Kill the process if
it is, and then try to reopen Outlook.
Also, which version of Outlook are you running and what size is your PST if
you use one?

Michael Moser

No - I am not using Word as email editor. We are talking about Outlook
2002 (+SP3) here. My .pst file is 66 MB in the moment. As I said: IMHO
that can't be the reason. At some point it had 105MB and worked fine.

And it also doesn't help to kill and restart Outlook (or even to reboot
for that matter, as I tried yesterday). The strange things is, as I
found out, that only pasting from certain applications causes these
out-of-memory conditions, while pasting from others works fine. The one
where this happens most often is when pasting something from Lotus Notes
into Outlook.

Really puzzling...


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