Out of memory?



I have 2 gigabytes of memory on my new computer, but I keep running out of
memory for Word (I always have multiple documents open). I get a number of
insufficient error messages, such as notification that I don't have enough
memory to undo, or I don't have enough memory to use Word as my editor in
Outlook, and often I will be unable to print (prints blank or partial pages).
How do I remedy this problem?


I'm with Kathleen here. I have a brand spanking new machine with 4 GB of RAM
and freshly installed software. I run a tight ship viruswise. The pointer we
questioners keep getting to the file below, InsufficientMemory.htm, is not
the answer. There MUST be a way to tell Word to use more of our RAM for undo
buffering. How do you do it? It's nuts to have so much RAM and to get
"insufficient memory for undo" messages from Word. Come on, please; give us a
real answer we can work with.

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