Out of Office Assistent in 2007 error


M. Vyroubal

I've got problem with Out of Office in 2007.
We have Exchange server and I want to use assistent for Out of Office
function but it displayes error (in czech language "Nastaveni funkce mimo
kancelar nelze zobrazit, protoze server je nyni
nedostupny. Opakujte akci pozdeji") wich means that Assistent for Out of
Office cannot be open because the server is unavailable and I should it try
later. The error is same on all computers in the company.
Exchange server is 2008 SBS premium and PCs are XP with 2007 (some with SP2
for office some without).
I think that I dont have enabled some function on server, but I dont know
wich one and where set it up.
I will be greatful for any answer.

Roady [MVP]

The issue indeed is with the configuration of your server. It sounds to me
that you have incorrectly published the EWS location on the Exchange server
or have set the permissions on it incorrectly.

You can get the current configuration on the Exchange server by using the
Get-WebServicesVirtualDirectory Exchange PowerShell command.
You can make changes to the published URL on the Exchange server by using
the Set-WebServicesVirtualDirectory Exchange PowerShell command.

For further support ask in an Exchange or Windows SBS newsgroup as it is
off-topic for this newsgroup.

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