"Out of office status is temporarily unavailable.."Hi Jensen,
It seems like your autodiscover service is not working as expected. Entourage 2008 uses autodiscover service to pull OOF against Exchange Server 2007. Follow the below steps and see if that of any help.
1. If the Entourage user is trying to do this outside the network. Make sure you have the correct certificate installed along with SAN (Subject Alternative Name) for autodiscover.
2. To Check whether your autodiscover is working, try configuring Outlook 2007 being outside the network
3. Make sure that you are using the default SMTP address in Entourage
4. To confirm type
https://autodiscover.yuordomain.com/autodiscover/autodiscover.xml in safari browser
You will get a window to enter my user credentials (domain\username & password) and after that I will see the following lines in the main browser window:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
- <Autodiscover xmlns="
- <Response>
- <Error Time="10:29:57.7332076" Id="59171512">
<Message>Invalid Request</Message>
<DebugData />
The response above says 'Error 600, Invalid Request' as the Autodiscover Service URL is not supposed to be accessed thru a browser. This is an expected response in this scenario and confirms the proper configuration and publishing of Autodiscover Service.
Let me know the results.
Any of our users get this message when trying to access the "Out of Office" utility. I read that sp1 was supposed to help fix reliability issues regarding the ooo assistant utility. However, I/we still continue to get this message on any attempt to use the out of office assistant. This is in an Exchange 07 environment with Entourage 2008 sp1 clients.
Thanks for any help.