Out of the Office



I tried setting up out of the office for the first time using my Entourage 2004 software Feb. 5, 2008. Of course now I've upgraded to 2008 but here is my question. I have the rule turned off, in fact now I've even deleted the rule -- but several people e-mailing me say they still receive my auto reply from that initial setup. Can anyone help me so the people I work with do not continue to receive that message?

William Smith

I tried setting up out of the office for the first time using my
Entourage 2004 software Feb. 5, 2008. Of course now I've upgraded to
2008 but here is my question. I have the rule turned off, in fact now
I've even deleted the rule -- but several people e-mailing me say
they still receive my auto reply from that initial setup. Can anyone
help me so the people I work with do not continue to receive that

Is this with an Exchange account? Are you trying to use Entourage 2008's
Out of Office feature?

Check whether or not the rule is enabled using Outlook Web Access (OWA).
If so, disable it there. It should also be disabled when you return to

If you know the rule is indeed disabled then ask the folks who are
receiving the message to forward that message back to you (as an
attachment). Maybe that will give you a clue about where the message is

If this is not an Exchange account then check whether or not you've
enabled a rule using your ISP's web access tool.

Hope this helps!



William M. Smith, Microsoft Interop MVP - Mac/Windows
Entourage Help Page <http://entourage.mvps.org/>
Entourage Help Blog <http://blog.entourage.mvps.org/>

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