outdent and indent functionality no longer available



Hi, I have set up a Project file for which I have been regularly using the
outdent and indent feature. I made a few changes in Tools/Options (for
example, turning off outline numbering that I don't need), only to find that
I can no longer outdent or indent (ther arrows on the toolbar are grayed out,
and the drag-with-mouse option is not available). I have looked at every
option in Tools/Options and everywhere else that seems logical but cannot
restore outdent and indent. Can anyone tell me how to restore this feature?


Hi Jeff,

Are you working in a split screen view? (For example the Task Entry view
showing the Task Form at the bottom?) If the bottom pane is active, the
Indent and Outdent buttons are disabled. If so, try removing the split
(Window > Remove Split) and see if that helps.

Hope this helps. Let us know how you get along.


Thanks, Julie. No, split screen was not activated. But your reply got me
thinking that I had not looked at various views of the problem. Sure enough,
I find that in the Tracking Gantt view, the indent and outdent feature
returns. However, I am having this problem in Gantt Chart view, which shows
all of the formatting I am using (fonts, color coding, etc), and that I
prefer. Tracking Gannt view just defaults to an 8 point font view (too
small). So I can outdent and indent now but only by switching views back and
forth, which still doesnt seem right.


Hi Jeff,

No, I agree that doesn't seem right. As you can indent in other views
(Tracking), my assumption is that there is something going on with the table
applied to the Gantt view. You mention that you have edited the table
(changed fonts etc.) Can you apply the same (problem) table from the Gantt
chart view to the Tracking Gantt and see if the problem persists?



Check your sorting.
It might have something to do with it.

-Jack ... For Microsoft Project information and macro examples visit
or http://zo-d.com/blog/index.html
JulieS said:
Hi Jeff,

No, I agree that doesn't seem right. As you can indent in other views
(Tracking), my assumption is that there is something going on with the table
applied to the Gantt view. You mention that you have edited the table
(changed fonts etc.) Can you apply the same (problem) table from the Gantt
chart view to the Tracking Gantt and see if the problem persists?


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