There's a bit more (that's why I hadn't replied yet with the same
1) If you are new to Macs and/or your computer came with Tiger (OS 10.4)
installed, not upgraded form a previous version of OS X, you won't have
Stuffit Expander on your computer. Get it from
.. Now you can decompress the .hqx file you download. Double-clicking the
..hqx file should work, or drag it onto Stuffit Expander.
2) The location for Entourage scripts in OS X is the Entourage Script Menu
Items folder in the Microsoft User Data folder _in your user Documents
folder_. (Not what the ReadMe says - it was written back in OS 8.6.)
3) The location for Jon's Commands X (which you can also get from ) is the ScriptingAdditions folder in the Library
folder of your username folder. (Not what the ReadMe says.) But you won't
have one yet, you have to make it there forts. Note there is no space in
"ScriptingAdditions". If Entourage is already open, you may have to quit it
and relaunch it after installing Jon's Commands, for it to "register" with
4) The ReadMe says you can run the script (once it's in that Entourage
Script Menu Items folder) form a keyboard shortcut option-command-C. But
first you'll need to add " \omC" (without quotes) to the end of the script's
name - note the space. (Or check Entourage Help/About the script menu, to
set a different keyboard shortcut.)
OK. Now it will work. If you want it to run automatically (as I think you
do) go to Tools/Schedules and make a new Repeating schedule to run every 1
minute. as long as it takes you 1 minute (actually, on average 30 seconds,
but 1 min is maximum) to write an email, it will work automatically.
Paul Berkowitz
MVP MacOffice
Entourage FAQ Page: <>
AppleScripts for Entourage: <>
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