Outline Feature


juanita HIlkin

I have used the outline feature for some time and just
recently it started acting different. I can no longer
switch to a different level of the outline by pushing tab
or Shift+tab. I now need to you the promote and demote
buttons to move to the different levels. If anyone can
help me get back the keyboard movements I would really
help me. Thanks for any help.

Shauna Kelly

Hi Juanita

In earlier versions of Word, Tools | Options | Edit. Tick "Tabs and
backspace set left indent".

In Word 2002 and Word 2003, Tools | Autocorrect Options | AutoFormat as you
Type. Tick Set left- and first-indent with tabs and backspaces. If you've
never visited this dialog box before, avoid the temptation to tick anything
that isn't already ticked.

By the way, you can also use Alt-Shift-right arrow and Alt-Shift-left arrow
to demote/promote paragraphs to the next/previous outline level.

Hope this helps.

Shauna Kelly. Microsoft MVP.


Have a look in the Tools menu under AutoCorrection options. Tab AutoFormat
as you type, in the last section down under there should be a tick next to
the second item.
Hope this helps

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