Outline Numbering, TOC & Cross Referencing



I am having difficulty with a word document in which I am
using Outline Paragraph Numbering, Cross-Referencing and
Table of Contents. The problems I cannot resolve are as

Table of Contents with Outline Paragraph Numbering

If I only use Outline Paragraph Numbering, the numbering
scheme I have set up works fine. If a Table of Contents
is then set up, the Outline Paragraph Numbering will not
work inside the document. FYI - 1st level in numbering
scheme in document is
2nd Level is
SECTION 1.01 Title. Text in document continues
from here xxxxxxx x xx x xx x x xx x x x

In order to get the TOC to print out as desired:

SECTION 1.01 Purchase and Sale of the Shares........1

I have had to Show/Hide and insert a Hard Return in the
document after the SECTION and its title (i.e., SECTION
1.01 Purchase and Sale of the Shares) and then highlight
the return and FORMAT, FONT, HIDDEN to hide the return.
This in of itself is no issue EXCEPT that I cannot then
get the Outline paragraph numbering to work (i.e., I
cannot insert a new SECTION 1.02 in front of the current
SECTION 1.02 using the Outline Paragraph Numbering scheme
I have set up for the document.

Cross-Referencing Issues - Regular cross-referencing is
no problem. What I would like to do and cannot seem to
find a way to do is to reference just the paragraph
number without the lead-in language (i.e., under SECTION
1.02, a "Schedule 1.02 is referenced and I want to cross-
reference the "1.02" so that if this section changes in
the Outline Paragraph Numbering Scheme to 1.03, Schedule
1.02 will now read Schedule 1.03.

Any help in making these items work would be greatly

Alan Taylor

Hi Laura:

Are you trying to insert the new SECTION 1.02 by starting
with the cursor at the "start" of the current SECTION 1.02
(ie, just beyond the number area) and hitting Enter?

Because from my experiments, this carried over the hidden
quality, and this could be causing the problem. It's
worth developing the habit of adding the new paragraph
FROM ABOVE, instead -- because this actually relates to
the cross-reference issue too.

Put the cursor at the end of the prior paragraph, hit
Enter, now style the new paragraph as Heading 2 and
continue formatting.

The cross-reference system has a bug (if you are
referencing a "numbered item" as opposed to a specific
named bookmark). Inserts added "from below" will stretch
out the hidden bookmark Word uses to compute the cross-
reference. Later updates of the cross-reference field
will give a wrong result.

However, if the new paragraph is added from above, then
when you update the reference (F9) it'll be okay.

And ... open up the reference, using Shift+F9. Then
insert a switch of \t near the end, then F9 that field --
this will drop out the "Section" phraseology.

If you want to know more about the various switches, go
into the Insert / Field area, choose Ref from the list on
right, click Options and Field Specific Switches. Choose
a switch, and the dialog will show below, what it does.

And if you want to see the infamous stretched out hidden
bookmark, you can go Insert / Bookmark, click the checkbox
for Hidden bookmarks, highlight the relevant Ref...
bookmark from the list above, and click Go To.
(Be showing nonprinting marks for this)

Set up a play document with one cross-reference, do
inserts first from above, then below -- and in each case
Go To the bookmark.

Mary Gudobba

This might help a little bit - if you use a line break after the centered
Section 1 and then type the text, when the table of contents is generated
Section 1 and the text will appear on one line.
What I've been trying to do (with no success) is generate a table of
contents using bookmarks to mark the text and inserting a cross reference to
the paragraph number inside the bookmark so that when the table of contents
is generated the paragraph numbering is accurately reflected. I could swear
that I did this once, I actually wrote down how I did it, but I haven't been
able to do it again.
I know I can do it using hidden paragraph marks, but I frequently have to
compare documents using CompareRite and it has trouble with hidden text.

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