Outline numbering



I am stuck using a document that someone else created.
They have a section with several references listed.

5.1 XXX
5.1.1 YYY
5.2 AAA
5.2.1 BBB
5.3 MMM
5.3.1 NNN

5.1, 5.2, and 5.3 are Heading 2
5.1.1, 5.2.1, and 5.3.1 are Heading 3

There is also a 5.4 that is Heading 2 and another 5.4 that
is Heading 3. The second 5.4 should be 5.4.1. However
when I tried to change it I notice that the Bullets and
numbering option is greyed out. It is only greyed out for
that one line. I can make the changes to any of the other
lines. How is this possible? I tried deleting and then
adding them myself, but for some reason that line will not
allow me to change the numbnering. I AM STUMPED>..TIA


Hi, Hawk.

Try using the Format Painter tool (yellow paintbrush-looking thing on
the Standard toolbar) to paint the format of one of the correct Heading
3 paragraphs to the incorrect Heading 3 paragraph.

Alternatively, copy one of the correct Heading 3 paragraphs and insert
it just above the incorrect Heading 3 paragraph, replace the copied text
with the heading text from the incorrect Heading 3 paragraph, and delete
the incorrect Heading 3 paragraph.

Does either of these suggestions fix the problem?


The 2nd option worked...Thanks for the help
-----Original Message-----
Hi, Hawk.

Try using the Format Painter tool (yellow paintbrush- looking thing on
the Standard toolbar) to paint the format of one of the correct Heading
3 paragraphs to the incorrect Heading 3 paragraph.

Alternatively, copy one of the correct Heading 3 paragraphs and insert
it just above the incorrect Heading 3 paragraph, replace the copied text
with the heading text from the incorrect Heading 3 paragraph, and delete
the incorrect Heading 3 paragraph.

Does either of these suggestions fix the problem?


Charles Kenyon

See: How to create numbered headings or outline numbering in your Word

This is based on ...

Word's Numbering Explained

Additional information you may find useful or need is at:

How to Create a Template, Part II

Legal Numbering

Seven Laws of Outline Numbering

The following are some discussions on the Microsoft newsgroups on numbering:
Nightmare on ListNumbering Street <URL:
The Joy of Lists <URL:
Relinking ListTemplates <URL:
Outline numbering: restart doesn't restart <URL:
http://groups.google.com/[email protected]#p>
Format Doesn't "Hold" <URL:
http://groups.google.com/[email protected]#p>
(above list compiled by Dave Rado, Word MVP)

ListNumbering Street Revisited <URL:

See the latest numbering discussion I've seen, especially post #4 which
contains Dave Rado's concise instructions for setting up heading numbering.

Chad DeMeyer

I see that some good answers have already been posted for this topic, but I
just wanted to add that I've experienced something very similar to, if not
the same as this, and I found that I couldn't affect the paragraph numbering
because the display of track changes was turned off or was set to revision
bars only, thus hiding several deleted paragraphs, only some of which had
paragraph numbering applied. If track changes are displayed as redline and
strikeout, then you can select the paragraph to which the offending
paragraph numbering is applied and fix it. This is one of several reasons
that I use two toolbar buttons assigned to macros that toggle track changes
display between redline/strikeout and rev bar only.


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