Outline Numbering




I want to create a template which has outline numbering in legal
format. I am almost there but I have a little problem:

1. I want the body text to be numbered as well in the same sequence.
2. The body text is formatted differently from the headings
3. The body text is not always at the same level.


1. General [heading level 1]

1.1 bla bla bla [body text]
1.2 bla bla bla [body text]

2. Objectives [heading level 1]
2.1 Immediate Objective [heading level 2]
2.1.1 objective 1 [body text]
2.1.2 objective 2 [body text]

2.2 Long Term Objectives [heading level 2]
2.2.1 objective 1 [body text]
2.2.2 objective 2 [body text]

3. Method [heading level 1]
3.1 Something [heading level 2]
3.1.1 Something else [heading level 3] bla bla bla [body text] bla bla bla [body text]

3.1.2 Something else [heading level 3]

and so on.

How do I get the body text to be numbered consistently but at different
levels while preserving the style. If I connect the body text style to
a different outline number list style then I think that the headings
will not number consistently.

Any suggestions? Templates?



(e-mail address removed)



I actually went there first but unless I am missing something it does
not contain an answer to my query.
To make things clearer, my big problem is that the body text is not
always at the same numbering level. Sometimes it will be numbered 1.1
and sometimes 2.2.2 or I guess what I am asking is how to get
the body text to be part of the list in terms of it's numbering but not
part of the list in terms of it's format.

In the original message I tried to give an example with the style for
each line in square brackets.



Suzanne S. Barnhill
Microsoft MVP (Word)
Words into Type
Fairhope, Alabama USA
Word MVP FAQ site:http://word.mvps.org
Email cannot be acknowledged; please post all follow-ups to the newsgroup so
all may benefit.

I want to create a template which has outline numbering in legal
format. I am almost there but I have a little problem:
1. I want the body text to be numbered as well in the same sequence.
2. The body text is formatted differently from the headings
3. The body text is not always at the same level.

1. General [heading level 1]
1.1 bla bla bla [body text]
1.2 bla bla bla [body text]
2. Objectives [heading level 1]
2.1 Immediate Objective [heading level 2]
2.1.1 objective 1 [body text]
2.1.2 objective 2 [body text]
2.2 Long Term Objectives [heading level 2]
2.2.1 objective 1 [body text]
2.2.2 objective 2 [body text]
3. Method [heading level 1]
3.1 Something [heading level 2]
3.1.1 Something else [heading level 3] bla bla bla [body text] bla bla bla [body text]
3.1.2 Something else [heading level 3]
and so on.
How do I get the body text to be numbered consistently but at different
levels while preserving the style. If I connect the body text style to
a different outline number list style then I think that the headings
will not number consistently.
Any suggestions? Templates?

(e-mail address removed)- Hide quoted text -- Show quoted text -

Dawn Crosier, MVP

Take a look at the default Legal Level Numbering. Use Shauna's website to
help you customize it to attach Heading Style 1 to the first level. When
you add Legal Style Numbering (Found under the more button) the number of
the first level will attach itself to the second level. If you don't want a
heading style associated with the second level, then take it off, and then
you can have the option of using Heading 2 inside or outside of your
Automatic Numbered List.

Dawn Crosier
Microsoft MVP
"Education Lasts a Lifetime"

This message was posted to a newsgroup, Please post replies and questions
to the group so that others can learn as well.


Hi Dawn and Thanks,

I don't think that's what I had in mind. Sometimes I want a paragraph
with level 2 numbering to be one style (heading 2) and sometimes I want
it to be a different style (body text 2).

The same applies to level 3 numbered paragraphs (heading 3 or body text
3) and so on.

Thanks anyway,


Take a look at the default Legal Level Numbering. Use Shauna's website to
help you customize it to attach Heading Style 1 to the first level. When
you add Legal Style Numbering (Found under the more button) the number of
the first level will attach itself to the second level. If you don't want a
heading style associated with the second level, then take it off, and then
you can have the option of using Heading 2 inside or outside of your
Automatic Numbered List.

Dawn Crosier
Microsoft MVP
"Education Lasts a Lifetime"

This message was posted to a newsgroup, Please post replies and questions

I want to create a template which has outline numbering in legal
format. I am almost there but I have a little problem:
1. I want the body text to be numbered as well in the same sequence.
2. The body text is formatted differently from the headings
3. The body text is not always at the same level.

1. General [heading level 1]
1.1 bla bla bla [body text]
1.2 bla bla bla [body text]
2. Objectives [heading level 1]
2.1 Immediate Objective [heading level 2]
2.1.1 objective 1 [body text]
2.1.2 objective 2 [body text]
2.2 Long Term Objectives [heading level 2]
2.2.1 objective 1 [body text]
2.2.2 objective 2 [body text]
3. Method [heading level 1]
3.1 Something [heading level 2]
3.1.1 Something else [heading level 3] bla bla bla [body text] bla bla bla [body text]
3.1.2 Something else [heading level 3]
and so on.
How do I get the body text to be numbered consistently but at different
levels while preserving the style. If I connect the body text style to
a different outline number list style then I think that the headings
will not number consistently.
Any suggestions? Templates?

(e-mail address removed)- Hide quoted text -- Show quoted text -


Ori said:

I want to create a template which has outline numbering in legal
format. I am almost there but I have a little problem:

1. I want the body text to be numbered as well in the same sequence.
2. The body text is formatted differently from the headings
3. The body text is not always at the same level.


1. General [heading level 1]

1.1 bla bla bla [body text]
1.2 bla bla bla [body text]

2. Objectives [heading level 1]
2.1 Immediate Objective [heading level 2]
2.1.1 objective 1 [body text]
2.1.2 objective 2 [body text]

2.2 Long Term Objectives [heading level 2]
2.2.1 objective 1 [body text]
2.2.2 objective 2 [body text]

3. Method [heading level 1]
3.1 Something [heading level 2]
3.1.1 Something else [heading level 3] bla bla bla [body text] bla bla bla [body text]

3.1.2 Something else [heading level 3]


A very late (probably out of date reply).

The way I do it, is for each level, create two styles, e.g.:-

(a) "H1" A numbered, "body text" formatted style.
(b) "H1_HEADING", this style created "based on" H1, so that inherits
the numbering from H1, but then applies bold etc.

All you need to do is link H1 to the List, and H1_HEADING inherits
numbering accordingly.


Julian Turner

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