Outlined Numering of HEadings


S Chapman

I am having a nightmare of a time trying to apply outlined numbering to
my headings. I first created the whole document and then tried to apply
outlined numering to my headings with disastrous results. The sub
headings some how don't seem to link to the proper level further up. I
get the fllowing numbering when I use the numbering toolbar option.

1. Heading (Level 1)
1.1 Sub Heading 1 (Level 2)
1.2 Sub Heading 1 (Level 2)
1.3 Sub Heading 1 (Level 2)

2. Heading (Level 1)
1.4 Sub Heading 1 (Level 2)
1.5 Sub Heading 1 (Level 2)


If you observe, I am getting 1.4 for heading with number 2.0. I would
be expecting 2.1, 2.2 and so on.

AM I MISSING something or Word is just playing up.


Btw, experiment 3 assumes that the "style for the following paragraph" of
your style ("Very troublesome style") is set as that style ("Very
troublesome style"). Check this with Ctrl-Shift-S then "modify."



Sorry, group. This will appear out of sequence. I sent it directly to S.
Chapman instead of to the entire group.

S, this is the dreaded "heading numbering level confusion" problem.

I suggest four experiments.

1. Click on " 1.1 Sub Heading 1 (Level 2)" the press Ctrl-Shift-C to copy
the formatting of that number level within your numbering scheme.
Then click on "1.4 Sub Heading 1 (Level 2)" and press Ctrl-Shift-V to copy
that formatting to the problem text.

2. If that doesn't work, copy the formatting of "2. Heading (Level 1)" to
"1.4 Sub Heading 1 (Level 2)".
Now "demote" it one level using the "Formatting" toolbar.

3. If this doesn't work, click on "2. Heading (Level 1)" again.
Press "end"
Press return and type any text ("Asdf asdf")
This should give you that text with the characteristics of the text on the
previous line ("2. Heading (Level 1)").
Demote this text one level.
Copy the format of this text to "1.4 Sub Heading 1 (Level 2)"

4. If this doesn't work, click on "1.4 Sub Heading 1 (Level 2)" then go to
Format-Bullets and Numbering--Outline numbered and see if the radio button
"Restart numbering" is checked. If so, check "Continue previous list".

Hope that works.


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