Outlk 2k3 Script: Find and findNext use



Hi all,

I try to use the find funtion comapring 2 properties

I want to add to my listbox all items that mileage
is greater than 50000 at a specific day then pb is
that ceationtime is like dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss
so i want to use date() function to convert the
creationtime to dd/mm/yyyu

item.mileage > Var1 and the item.creationtime= Var2

set myItem = Items.Find("[mileage] > """ & myvar1 & """ and
date(myitem.creationtime) = """ & myVar2"""")

I tryed many sintax but no one work

tks for help

Ken Slovak - [MVP - Outlook]

The Date function either sets or retrieves the system date. It doesn't do
anything close to what you want to do. You also can't use seconds in a Find
or Restrict.

The Help on Items.Restrict lists all the properties you can't use for a
filter and shows some pretty good examples of filters you can use. For what
you want it probably would be something like:

sFilter = "[Mileage] > " & Var1
sFilter = sFilter & " And [CreationTime] = '" & Format(Var2, "ddddd h:nn
AMPM") & "'"
Set myItem = Items.Find(sFilter)

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