Mike Richer
I'm running the Office 2007 beta and all was well until I used Outlook.
E-mails download fine and all are being received and sent.
The only problem is, I cannot read any of the messages! They do not appear
in the preview pane or when I open the message. The address bar and subject
display, just not the actual message. That includes pics and text.
I tried changing view to HTML, Rich text and plain but it makes no difference.
Can anyone help?
Many thanks... Mike
E-mails download fine and all are being received and sent.
The only problem is, I cannot read any of the messages! They do not appear
in the preview pane or when I open the message. The address bar and subject
display, just not the actual message. That includes pics and text.
I tried changing view to HTML, Rich text and plain but it makes no difference.
Can anyone help?
Many thanks... Mike