Outllok Suggestion



Ok, i have a GREAT Computer (2.66 GHz Pentium 4, 512 MB RAM, XP SP2)...but, i
notice a major slowdown when i open up Outlook 2007. It's a GREAT Program,
don't get me wrong, but, it's such a memory hog, and it seems like i'm
running it on my old computer (Which would never happen cause it's crap.)
That's the only thing i have to "complain" about. Does this happen to anybody

It's still a fast program, and more user friendly. It seperates itself from
older versions. But, all i ask is that it doesn't take up so much RAM.

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It does seem much more slower than 2003. It also seems like it is hogging a
lot of ram.

Roady [MVP]

Running it here and it uses "only" 64MB. Total memory usage also depends on
how many add-ins you have running. These will all disguise under the
outlook.exe process. Note that memory management works differently and it
depends on how many free RAM you have. As long as there is still RAM
available and no other application requests it there is no reason to return
this memory even when what Outlook keeps in RAM currently isn't being used.
This way when you do use it Outlook will respond faster. If another
application requests the memory and Outlook isn't actively using the memory
it's "hogging" it will be returned to the system which it will assign it to
the other application. In addition note that BETA products will use more
memory than final products since there hasn't been done much code
optimization in a BETA.

As for the slowness; especially on first startup it is slow since Outlook
converts a whole bunch of stuff. The indexer will slow down Outlook a bit as
well but once the initial index have been built speed will return (typing in
Outlook lagged for over a second directly after installation of BETA 2 for
me). And again; it's BETA, reponsiveness isn't indicative for the final
product yet. This will start at RC1 level.

Robert Sparnaaij [MVP-Outlook]
Coauthor, Configuring Microsoft Outlook 2003

Ok, i have a GREAT Computer (2.66 GHz Pentium 4, 512 MB RAM, XP SP2)...but,
notice a major slowdown when i open up Outlook 2007. It's a GREAT Program,
don't get me wrong, but, it's such a memory hog, and it seems like i'm
running it on my old computer (Which would never happen cause it's crap.)
That's the only thing i have to "complain" about. Does this happen to

It's still a fast program, and more user friendly. It seperates itself from
older versions. But, all i ask is that it doesn't take up so much RAM.


I am not sure I agree or not but I can tell you Outlook takes over 8 min to
open and it is slow, slow, slow. It seems to be spending alot of time
"databinding"? I thought after the first startup it would run faster but not
so. sloooooooooooooow

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