Outllook 2003: Outbox messages get stuck as drafts


Mike, UK

I recently changed computers and in process of this moved from OL2002 to
OL2003. I use it offline - ie I send messages manually with Ctrl+M when I
want, rather than using immediate send.
The problem is that some messages do not go. They somehow get flagged as
drafts and stay in the Outbox. To change them from 'draft' to send' I have to
drag and drop them to 'Drafts', then open each message and click Send again.
I couldn't find an answer to this problem, so I thought of a macro: I cannot
think of any reason I'd ever want a 'draft' message to be in the Outbox. So
my plain English macro would be: 'When 'send/receive messages' (Ctrl+M) is
selected, check the Outbox for messages flagged as drafts and change their
status to 'ready to send'. Then send/receive as normal'.
As OL doesn't have a Macro recorder and I'm not VBA literate, I was hoping
someone could point me to such a macro, please (maybe someone has already
done it)? Or, of course, suggest a solution that does not need a macro.
I never had this problem with my old computer running OL2002.

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