Outlook 03 *Not responding* ongoing problem (long but detailed - H

  • Thread starter RedHeadedMenace
  • Start date


(Reposting from 12/02 w/ no responses)

I've read the other identical or similar issues, tried everything suggested
and still have not had success.

A bit of background:

This is the 3rd computer on which I have installed the Office 2003 disks.
This is the ONLY computer (emachines T3950 w/ XP) on which I encounter this
problem. I've had no add-ins installed and overall, this computer has far
fewer other programs and applications installed than the others. This has
gone from being a random problem to a continuous, almost without exception,
problem. I'm on a linksys LAN with 1 other comp (2nd installed w/ the same
Office03 and a VoIP adapter). Outlook opens in *My Inbox* w/ Reading Pane at
bottom, and is set to auto-run when Windows loads. Also, keep in mind that
nothing in my settings is different from the settings on the initial
installation on my 1st installed system. I'm a bear for consistency :).

As I said this originally started as a random problem (Not Responding) not
long after installing Office03 on this system in February, which I usually
had to escape via Task Manager since *End Now* never seemed to bring a
response. (but perhaps I was impatient).

Now, nearly EVERY SINGLE TIME I try to select another item in the mail queue
(most common), switch folders in the list, reply to a message, compose new,
etc. (basically any action) Outlook starts *hanging.* I've found however,
that if I click into the application title bar general area (either right on
or below the title bar) I can get *(Not Responding)* to appear in the title

With that accomplished, if I then start clicking on any random item to make
something happen, I can call up the *Not Responding* dialog. By selecting
*Cancel* instead of *End Now,* about HALF the time I next click onto IE on
the quick launch, Opening IE will kick Outlook back into action (and it seems
ONLY IE works for this). However, this is not assured, and only happens
about 1/2 the time on my FIRST attempt to do this. Sometimes it might take
up to 10 launches of IE to get it going, sometimes never. When this fails
and I DO select *End Now* if I wait long enough it will close itself and
offer up the *You choose to end* dialog.

Due to all this, my Outlook has become almost unusable, and at best
extremely frustrating. Back in August, I took the system to a knowledgeable
friend to investigate the problem but, natch, in hours of opening, closing,
navigating etc. this problem did not appear. At first in the spring, it
seemed this problem began randomly occuring when Outlook had been open *too
long* so I would actually close and reopen. When that began failing to work,
I started rebooting, but even on first opening I encounter the same problem
so now I don't do that anymore after finding that maybe launching IE might
kick Outlook back into action.

Detect and Repair has not worked. Reinstalling all of Office has not
worked. Archiving has not worked. Defragging worked for about 2 days of
smooth and perfect running and I was thrilled, but then it started failing
again (and current analysis says no need to defrag and disk looks pretty
clean). BTW, Inbox only has now 615 items after archiving (1st system has
over 4000 never archived) and my PST file is 398M.

suggestion or offer any insight at all? Sorry to be so long winded but I
wanted to make sure I gave full documentation.

K. Orland

I think the first thing I would do is not have Outlook run on start up. Have
you found any errors, error messages/numbers, anything in your application
event viewer that relates to Outlook at all? Looking for event ID and source,
if there is anything.
Do you have any Add Ins or COMS running? Synch software?
Kathleen Orland
Blessed are the cracked, for it is they who let in the light



OK, checking event viewer, nothing is designated Outlook, but I do have these
2 entries for today:

Error Date Time Application Hang None 1001
Error Date Time Application Hang (101) 1002

I can't be TOTALLY sure, but I'd guess this was my latest encounter since I
haven't had any other errors.

No add-ins, no synch, nothing but the virgin proggie. As for running in
startup, I've had that feature on every comp I've had since Win98, and no
probs on the other current system. Since this happens long after start up,
during just general running, I'm not certain there's a link there. I'll try
it tho if you can't think of any other solution.

THX for reply!!!!!



No such *title* as you ref'd and it appears I am viewing al possible columns
-- the only one I ommitted in below report was *Computer* since that obvious.

That is the extent of the info I'm getting from EV. . . .

Other ideas?



K. Orland

The only references I can find to those errors are for mobsync and usually
that affects IE and usually only if you run Windows XP. The fix is usually to
register a .dll and reinstall IE. Outlook is not mentioned at all however.
Kathleen Orland
Blessed are the cracked, for it is they who let in the light



Just went thru this near same issue as you describe with a customers OL
2k client. Going into a non-responding state when you'd click on
anything within Outlook. After spending "hours" going thru various
drills, finally found this particular issue to be caused by Nortons
Internet Security suite. Removed this product suite with the symnrt
tool, and all Outlook issues were resolved and the machine ran like a
scaled dog. If you're running NIS, you may give a remove of NIS a try,
as it fixed my issue with Outlook hanging -


Steve Outlook

Did you ever resolve your issue? I have the same issue and there was only one
person that responded with "it fixed the problem". I am in the process of
doing this now. He created a new Outlook Profile. Somewhere his profile got
corrupted by an email or error....he also suggested to run "scanpst" to
repair any faulty email files that might have caused the error in the
beginning. I will let you know how it turns out. This is a Microsoft Outlook
problem with 2003. They have hunderds of 2003 Outlook error topics posted.

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