First, thank you for continuing the dialogue on this - it has been
frustrating so ANY new thought is helpful.
To answer your last question, my email address is appearing in a list of
email addresses in the "to" field. As far as I can tell on my end, there
no group name.
I have entered the sender's his (e-mail address removed) in the blocked list
numerous times to no avail. As best I can tell there is no way to list a
display name or add it in parentheses without generating an error. The
field in the block senders feature permits (as a universal) or
(e-mail address removed) (which I've used to block his address numerous times to no
avail.) I've used the message options features to view the Internet
details and cannot find any other aliases or addresses for his messages.
He's sending from a hotmail account so I can't experiment with excluding
universal domain in the spam blocker or I'd end up excluding a whole bunch
"safe" senders including two of our kids.
Well, you said other Blocked Senders are being blocked, right? The address
in the From field in the header is the one on the Blocked Senders list, is
not on the Safe Senders list, and none of the other recipients on the To or
CC fields are in the Safe Recipients list?
If you have any suggestions outside the standard blocking mechanism -
this sender is somehow defeating - they'd be most welcome. Otherwise I'll
just have to resign myself to manually deleting his messages and finding a
way to get over the frustrations of it all. OM....OM.....OM....
Well, you could set up a rule. That's simple enough. So long as it's not
an IMAP account, it's pretty clear cut. Can also look at the ISP side of
the house, and see if there are any spam filters you can apply there. I
mean, strictly speaking, if an account is on the Blocked Senders list, its a
matter of figuring out why that's not being honored, hence my questions