Outlook 11 > Outlook 10 Object Library Compatibility Issues


Paul Mac

Hi All,

I'm having a porblem with a workbook that uses the Outlook Object Library (MSOUTL.olb). In particular, the wb has references to the Version 10 file. Now that a new computer on the network has Version 11, it is causing a few incompatibility issues.

In particular, when the workbook, is saved on the machine that is sporting OL2003 it saves the references to OLB version 11. When a user on version 10 opens the file, the reference is missing, as "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office11\MSOUTL.olb" does not exist only "..Office10\MSOUTL.olb"

I've never had this sort of problem with version changes from 2000-2, so what is the cause.

Will copying the library onto the local machine resolve the issue or is this not advisable.

Your advice on this one is greatly appreciated.

Paul Mac.

Bob Phillips


Try using late binding.

Instead of a declaration like

Dim olApp as Outlook.Application


Dim olApp As Object

all other Outlook objects should be defined as Objects as well

and instantiate it like this

Set olApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")

rather than

Set olApp = New Outlook.Application

You will need to use values rather than Outlook constants as well.

There is a web page describing this at



Bob Phillips
... looking out across Poole Harbour to the Purbecks
(remove nothere from the email address if mailing direct)

Paul Mac said:
Hi All,

I'm having a porblem with a workbook that uses the Outlook Object Library
(MSOUTL.olb). In particular, the wb has references to the Version 10 file.
Now that a new computer on the network has Version 11, it is causing a few
incompatibility issues.
In particular, when the workbook, is saved on the machine that is sporting
OL2003 it saves the references to OLB version 11. When a user on version 10
opens the file, the reference is missing, as "C:\Program Files\Microsoft
Office\Office11\MSOUTL.olb" does not exist only "..Office10\MSOUTL.olb"

Paul Mac

Great Thanks for that Bob.

I assume that this would then remove the necessity of a Reference to the specific Outlook Library?


Bob Phillips

As you rightly deduce, you should remove the reference.

As the web page says, if you develop early, that is on your machine, you
would set the defence at the start, before release you remove the reference.
If you maintain the reference, even using late binding techniques will
probably give you the problem.



Bob Phillips
... looking out across Poole Harbour to the Purbecks
(remove nothere from the email address if mailing direct)

Paul Mac

Thanks Bob,

Just answered my own question, by replacing all instances of Outlook.Application with the late bind, it removed the reference.

Will adding the Office11 version of the Outlook Library to a new directory (..\Office11\MSOUTL.olb) cause any conflicts with the Version 10 file?

It's just as a temporary measure as I go through all of the code and update it.

Thanks again,


Paul Mac

BTW that is a great reference site, xldynamic.com... I'll add that one to my Fav's

Cheers, Paul.

Bob Phillips

It is just in it's infancy, lots more work needed yet.



Bob Phillips
... looking out across Poole Harbour to the Purbecks
(remove nothere from the email address if mailing direct)

Bob Phillips

Not sure with Outlook Paul, as I have never done it myself, but I would
suspect it would be okay. I have installed XL97, 2000 and XP on one machine
with no problems.



Bob Phillips
... looking out across Poole Harbour to the Purbecks
(remove nothere from the email address if mailing direct)

Paul Mac said:
Thanks Bob,

Just answered my own question, by replacing all instances of
Outlook.Application with the late bind, it removed the reference.
Will adding the Office11 version of the Outlook Library to a new directory
(..\Office11\MSOUTL.olb) cause any conflicts with the Version 10 file?

Tom Ogilvy

Outlook 2003 and Outlook 2002 may crash after you install Office XP on a
computer that has Office 2003 installed

Seems to indicate this will be problematic. It says:

Important Microsoft does not support running multiple versions of Outlook on
a single computer at the same time.

the last part, "at the same time" is ambiguous. Does it mean trying to have
both executing or does it mean installed on the same computer and used
interchangeable so to speak.

This article about multiple versions of Office seems clearer:

Running Multiple Versions of Microsoft Office with Office 2003
Microsoft Office Outlook 2003 cannot coexist with any earlier version of
Microsoft Outlook. If you choose to install Office Outlook 2003, the Setup
program will not allow you to keep any earlier version.

Tom Ogilvy

Paul Mac said:
Thanks Bob,

Just answered my own question, by replacing all instances of
Outlook.Application with the late bind, it removed the reference.
Will adding the Office11 version of the Outlook Library to a new directory
(..\Office11\MSOUTL.olb) cause any conflicts with the Version 10 file?

Paul Mac

Thanks for the additional information Tom,

My interpertation of the KB article is that having the MSOUTL.olb file in the ..\Office11 folder should not interfere with the Office10 components.

I'll test and post back.


Paul Mac.


Thanks for your post ... this should resolve a similar problem that I am
having ...

I've put the following Function together:

Sub TestSendEmailLateBinding()
Dim bResult As Boolean
Dim arto(1) As String
Dim arcc(1) As String
Dim sto As String
Dim sCC As String

arto(0) = "(e-mail address removed)"
arto(1) = "(e-mail address removed)"
arcc(0) = "(e-mail address removed)"
arcc(1) = "(e-mail address removed)"
bResult = SendEmailLateBinding("c:\output.log", arto, "Subject test",
"body test", arcc)

sto = "(e-mail address removed)"
sCC = "(e-mail address removed)"
bResult = SendEmailLateBinding("c:\output.log", sto, "Subject test", "body
test", sCC)

End Sub

Function SendEmailLateBinding(sInPathFile As String, sInTo As Variant, _
sInSubject As String, sInBody As String, Optional sInCC As Variant) As
Dim bResult As Boolean
Dim sResp As String
Dim obApp As Object
Dim obEmail As Object 'Outlook.MailItem
Dim obFiles As Object 'Outlook.Attachments
Dim obRecipients As Object 'Outlook.Recipients
Dim obRecipient As Object 'Outlook.Recipient
Dim iTo As Integer
Dim iCC As Integer
Dim bCont As Boolean

Set obApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
Set obEmail = obApp.CreateItem(0) '0=olMailItem
Set obRecipients = obEmail.Recipients

On Error Resume Next
iTo = UBound(sInTo)

If Err <> 0 Then
Set obRecipient = obEmail.Recipients.Add(sInTo)
For iTo = 0 To UBound(sInTo)
Set obRecipient = obEmail.Recipients.Add(sInTo(iTo))
Next iTo
End If
obRecipient.Type = 1 '1=to; 2=cc
bCont = True

iCC = UBound(sInCC)

If Err <> 0 Then
Set obRecipient = obEmail.Recipients.Add(sInCC)
For iCC = 0 To UBound(sInCC)
Set obRecipient = obEmail.Recipients.Add(sInTo(iCC))
Next iCC
End If
obRecipient.Type = 2 '1=to; 2=cc
bCont = True
On Error GoTo 0

If bCont Then
obEmail.Subject = sInSubject
obEmail.Body = sInBody

If sInPathFile <> "" Then
obEmail.Attachments.Add sInPathFile, 1 '1=olByValue
End If

'send email
On Error Resume Next

If Err > 0 Then
sResp = MsgBox("Email to " & sInTo & " has not been sent." & _
Chr(10) & "Err: " & Err.Description & _
Chr(10) & "Do you want the program to continue?", vbYesNo)

If sResp = 6 Then
bResult = True
bResult = False
End If

bResult = True
End If
On Error GoTo 0
End If
SendEmailLateBinding = bResult
End Function


And an improved version:

Function SendEmailLateBinding(sInPathFile As String, sInTo As Variant, _
sInSubject As String, sInBody As String, Optional sInCC As Variant) As
Dim bResult As Boolean
Dim sResp As String
Dim obApp As Object
Dim obEmail As Object 'Outlook.MailItem
Dim obFiles As Object 'Outlook.Attachments
Dim obRecipients As Object 'Outlook.Recipients
Dim obRecipient As Object 'Outlook.Recipient
Dim iTo As Integer
Dim iCC As Integer
Dim bCont As Boolean

Set obApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
Set obEmail = obApp.CreateItem(0) '0=olMailItem
Set obRecipients = obEmail.Recipients

On Error Resume Next
iTo = UBound(sInTo)

If Err <> 0 Then
Set obRecipient = obEmail.Recipients.Add(sInTo)
For iTo = 0 To UBound(sInTo)
Set obRecipient = obEmail.Recipients.Add(sInTo(iTo))
Next iTo
End If
obRecipient.Type = 1 '1=to; 2=cc
bCont = True

If Not IsMissing(sInCC) Then
iCC = UBound(sInCC)

If Err <> 0 Then
Set obRecipient = obEmail.Recipients.Add(sInCC)
For iCC = 0 To UBound(sInCC)
Set obRecipient = obEmail.Recipients.Add(sInTo(iCC))
Next iCC
End If

obRecipient.Type = 2 '1=to; 2=cc
bCont = True
End If
On Error GoTo 0

If bCont Then
obEmail.Subject = sInSubject
obEmail.Body = sInBody

If sInPathFile <> "" Then
obEmail.Attachments.Add sInPathFile, 1 '1=olByValue
End If

'send email
On Error Resume Next

If Err > 0 Then
sResp = MsgBox("Email to " & sInTo & " has not been sent." & _
Chr(10) & "Err: " & Err.Description & _
Chr(10) & "Do you want the program to continue?", vbYesNo)

If sResp = 6 Then
bResult = True
bResult = False
End If

bResult = True
End If
On Error GoTo 0
End If
SendEmailLateBinding = bResult
End Function

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