Outlook 2000 and Keyboard Lockup



Keyboard locks up shortly after opening Outlook. If I
don't open Outlook, can run for days with no problem, but
within an hour (sometimes minutes) after opening Outlook,
the keyboard locks up. More about lockup: mouse works OK
and L-click/R-click buttons OK, but all keystrokes from
keyboard appear to be ignored -- even NUM Lock or CAPS
Lock (indicator lights should toggle when operate these
keys, but they do not). Keyboard is locked for all
programs (can't even do ALT-CTL-DEL).

Only action after lockup is to re-boot.

Thought it was a virus, but have been virus-free now for
more than two weeks (following long bout with several
trojans, worms, etc that caused severe problems). Have
reinstalled Office 2000 and also the DSL software
(Verizon), but no help. Hve even done complete system
reinstall (format, install WinNT, all s/w, etc). Symptom

Hardware people all say it must be software...

Open for any suggestions.

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