Curious Monkey
I had a melt down of the Exchange 5.5 server. We exceeded the 16 GB storage limit. After reducing the mailbox size and getting the end users back online, I still have an end user who is unable to get back their automatic name checking feature. With all other end users, we would go into Advanced e-mail options, uncheck Automatic name checking, hit apply and OK. We would then close outlook, reopen the Advanced e-mail options, check Automatic name checking, hit apply and OK. Close outlook and reopen it. This enables the user to get back their Automatic name checking default. Unfortunately, one end user has their Apply button greyed out when we try to make this change. They have local administrator rights on the desktop and we still have the greyed out button. They are unable to apply any rules or any other changes they make to outlook without this option. Does anyone have any suggestions?