Because I have nothing better to do with my time-NOT!-I recently put together
the following text to update my Outlook 2000 Jewish Religious Holidays for
years 2008 and 2009. I replaced the former list of Jewish Holidays with my
list, and everything seems to be working fine. I never did this before, so I
was nervous and therefore included the old holidays from 2003-2007 to
doublecheck my work, and it turned out just the way I'd hoped, so you can
delete those old ones if you want-or use them to check my work too. I also
did some research (& learned a lot). I ended up making some corrections to
the old dates that needed to be made-also added the Hebrew calendar years
with each holiday-and tried to differentiate between the previous night of a
holiday and the day of a holiday (if you know what I mean) since that has
always been confusing to me. If you don't use it I won't be offended, but I
do think it's all right-certainly better than nothing, which is what I had
[Jewish Religious Holidays] 340
Asara B’Tevet 5764,2004/1/4
Asara B’Tevet 5765,2004/12/22
Asara B’Tevet 5766,2006/1/10
Asara B’Tevet 5767,2006/12/31
Asara B’Tevet 5768,2007/12/19
Asara B’Tevet 5769,2009/1/6
Asara B’Tevet 5770,2009/12/27
Asara B’Tevet 5771,2010/12/17
Chanukah (1st day) 5764,2003/12/20
Chanukah (1st day) 5765,2004/12/8
Chanukah (1st day) 5766,2005/12/26
Chanukah (1st day) 5767,2006/12/16
Chanukah (1st day) 5768,2007/12/5
Chanukah (1st day) 5769,2008/12/22
Chanukah (1st day) 5770,2009/12/12
Chanukah (1st day) 5771,2010/12/2
Chanukah (2nd day) 5764,2003/12/21
Chanukah (2nd day) 5765,2004/12/9
Chanukah (2nd day) 5766,2005/12/27
Chanukah (2nd day) 5767,2006/12/17
Chanukah (2nd day) 5768,2007/12/6
Chanukah (2nd day) 5769,2008/12/23
Chanukah (2nd day) 5770,2009/12/13
Chanukah (2nd day) 5771,2010/12/3
Chanukah (3rd day) 5764,2003/12/22
Chanukah (3rd day) 5765,2004/12/10
Chanukah (3rd day) 5766,2005/12/28
Chanukah (3rd day) 5767,2006/12/18
Chanukah (3rd day) 5768,2007/12/7
Chanukah (3rd day) 5769,2008/12/24
Chanukah (3rd day) 5770,2009/12/14
Chanukah (3rd day) 5771,2010/12/4
Chanukah (4th day) 5764,2003/12/23
Chanukah (4th day) 5765,2004/12/11
Chanukah (4th day) 5766,2005/12/29
Chanukah (4th day) 5767,2006/12/19
Chanukah (4th day) 5768,2007/12/8
Chanukah (4th day) 5769,2008/12/25
Chanukah (4th day) 5770,2009/12/15
Chanukah (4th day) 5771,2010/12/5
Chanukah (5th day) 5764,2003/12/24
Chanukah (5th day) 5765,2004/12/12
Chanukah (5th day) 5766,2005/12/30
Chanukah (5th day) 5767,2006/12/20
Chanukah (5th day) 5768,2007/12/9
Chanukah (5th day) 5769,2008/12/26
Chanukah (5th day) 5770,2009/12/16
Chanukah (5th day) 5771,2010/12/6
Chanukah (6th day) 5764,2003/12/25
Chanukah (6th day) 5765,2004/12/13
Chanukah (6th day) 5766,2005/12/31
Chanukah (6th day) 5767,2006/12/21
Chanukah (6th day) 5768,2007/12/10
Chanukah (6th day) 5769,2008/12/27
Chanukah (6th day) 5770,2009/12/17
Chanukah (6th day) 5771,2010/12/7
Chanukah (7th day) 5764,2003/12/26
Chanukah (7th day) 5765,2004/12/14
Chanukah (7th day) 5766,2006/1/1
Chanukah (7th day) 5767,2006/12/22
Chanukah (7th day) 5768,2007/12/11
Chanukah (7th day) 5769,2008/12/28
Chanukah (7th day) 5770,2009/12/18
Chanukah (7th day) 5771,2010/12/8
Chanukah (8th day) 5764,2003/12/27
Chanukah (8th day) 5765,2004/12/15
Chanukah (8th day) 5766,2006/1/2
Chanukah (8th day) 5767,2006/12/23
Chanukah (8th day) 5768,2007/12/12
Chanukah (8th day) 5769,2008/12/29
Chanukah (8th day) 5770,2009/12/19
Chanukah (8th day) 5771,2010/12/9
Hol H’Moed Passover (1st day) 5763,2003/4/17
Hol H’Moed Passover (1st day) 5764,2004/4/6
Hol H’Moed Passover (1st day) 5765,2005/4/24
Hol H’Moed Passover (1st day) 5766,2006/4/13
Hol H’Moed Passover (1st day) 5767,2007/4/3
Hol H’Moed Passover (1st day) 5768,2008/4/20
Hol H’Moed Passover (1st day) 5779,2009/4/9
Hol H’Moed Passover (1st day) 5710,2010/3/30
Hol H’Moed Passover (2nd day) 5763,2003/4/18
Hol H’Moed Passover (2nd day) 5764,2004/4/7
Hol H’Moed Passover (2nd day) 5765,2005/4/25
Hol H’Moed Passover (2nd day) 5766,2006/4/14
Hol H’Moed Passover (2nd day) 5767,2007/4/4
Hol H’Moed Passover (2nd day) 5768,2008/4/21
Hol H’Moed Passover (2nd day) 5769,2009/4/10
Hol H’Moed Passover (2nd day) 5770,2010/3/31
Hol H’Moed Passover (3rd day) 5763,2003/4/19
Hol H’Moed Passover (3rd day) 5764,2004/4/8
Hol H’Moed Passover (3rd day) 5765,2005/4/26
Hol H’Moed Passover (3rd day) 5766,2006/4/15
Hol H’Moed Passover (3rd day) 5767,2007/4/5
Hol H’Moed Passover (3rd day) 5768,2008/4/22
Hol H’Moed Passover (3rd day) 5769,2009/4/11
Hol H’Moed Passover (3rd day) 5770,2010/4/1
Hol H’Moed Passover (4th day) 5763,2003/4/20
Hol H’Moed Passover (4th day) 5764,2004/4/9
Hol H’Moed Passover (4th day) 5765,2005/4/27
Hol H’Moed Passover (4th day) 5766,2006/4/16
Hol H’Moed Passover (4th day) 5767,2007/4/6
Hol H’Moed Passover (4th day) 5768,2008/4/23
Hol H’Moed Passover (4th day) 5769,2009/4/12
Hol H’Moed Passover (4th day) 5770,2010/4/2
Hol H’Moed Passover (5th day) 5763,2003/4/21
Hol H’Moed Passover (5th day) 5764,2004/4/10
Hol H’Moed Passover (5th day) 5765,2005/4/28
Hol H’Moed Passover (5th day) 5766,2006/4/17
Hol H’Moed Passover (5th day) 5767,2007/4/7
Hol H’Moed Passover (5th day) 5768,2008/4/24
Hol H’Moed Passover (5th day) 5769,2009/4/13
Hol H’Moed Passover (5th day) 5770,2010/4/3
Hol H’Moed Passover (6th day) 5763,2003/4/22
Hol H’Moed Passover (6th day) 5764,2004/4/11
Hol H’Moed Passover (6th day) 5765,2005/4/29
Hol H’Moed Passover (6th day) 5766,2006/4/18
Hol H’Moed Passover (6th day) 5767,2007/4/8
Hol H’Moed Passover (6th day) 5768,2008/4/25
Hol H’Moed Passover (6th day) 5769,2009/4/14
Hol H’Moed Passover (6th day) 5770,2010/4/4
Hol H’Moed Passover (7th day) 5763,2003/4/23
Hol H’Moed Passover (7th day) 5764,2004/4/12
Hol H’Moed Passover (7th day) 5765,2005/4/30
Hol H’Moed Passover (7th day) 5766,2006/4/19
Hol H’Moed Passover (7th day) 5767,2007/4/9
Hol H’Moed Passover (7th day) 5768,2008/4/26
Hol H’Moed Passover (7th day) 5769,2009/4/15
Hol H’Moed Passover (7th day) 5770,2010/4/5
Hol H’Moed Sukkot (1st day) 5764,2003/10/11
Hol H’Moed Sukkot (1st day) 5765,2004/9/30
Hol H’Moed Sukkot (1st day) 5766,2005/10/18
Hol H’Moed Sukkot (1st day) 5767,2006/10/7
Hol H’Moed Sukkot (1st day) 5768,2007/9/27
Hol H’Moed Sukkot (1st day) 5769,2008/10/14
Hol H’Moed Sukkot (1st day) 5770,2009/10/3
Hol H’Moed Sukkot (1st day) 5771,2010/9/23
Hol H’Moed Sukkot (2nd day) 5764,2003/10/12
Hol H’Moed Sukkot (2nd day) 5765,2004/10/1
Hol H’Moed Sukkot (2nd day) 5766,2005/10/19
Hol H’Moed Sukkot (2nd day) 5767,2006/10/8
Hol H’Moed Sukkot (2nd day) 5768,2007/9/28
Hol H’Moed Sukkot (2nd day) 5769,2008/10/15
Hol H’Moed Sukkot (2nd day) 5770,2009/10/4
Hol H’Moed Sukkot (2nd day) 5771,2010/9/24
Hol H’Moed Sukkot (3rd day) 5764,2003/10/13
Hol H’Moed Sukkot (3rd day) 5765,2004/10/2
Hol H’Moed Sukkot (3rd day) 5766,2005/10/20
Hol H’Moed Sukkot (3rd day) 5767,2006/10/9
Hol H’Moed Sukkot (3rd day) 5768,2007/9/29
Hol H’Moed Sukkot (3rd day) 5769,2008/10/16
Hol H’Moed Sukkot (3rd day) 5770,2009/10/5
Hol H’Moed Sukkot (3rd day) 5771,2010/9/25
Hol H’Moed Sukkot (4th day) 5764,2003/10/14
Hol H’Moed Sukkot (4th day) 5765,2004/10/3
Hol H’Moed Sukkot (4th day) 5766,2005/10/21
Hol H’Moed Sukkot (4th day) 5767,2006/10/10
Hol H’Moed Sukkot (4th day) 5768,2007/9/30
Hol H’Moed Sukkot (4th day) 5769,2008/10/17
Hol H’Moed Sukkot (4th day) 5770,2009/10/6
Hol H’Moed Sukkot (4th day) 5771,2010/9/26
Hol H’Moed Sukkot (5th day) 5764,2003/10/15
Hol H’Moed Sukkot (5th day) 5765,2004/10/4
Hol H’Moed Sukkot (5th day) 5766,2005/10/22
Hol H’Moed Sukkot (5th day) 5767,2006/10/11
Hol H’Moed Sukkot (5th day) 5768,2007/10/1
Hol H’Moed Sukkot (5th day) 5769,2008/10/18
Hol H’Moed Sukkot (5th day) 5770,2009/10/7
Hol H’Moed Sukkot (5th day) 5771,2010/9/27
Hol H’Moed Sukkot (6th day) 5764,2003/10/16
Hol H’Moed Sukkot (6th day) 5765,2004/10/5
Hol H’Moed Sukkot (6th day) 5766,2005/10/23
Hol H’Moed Sukkot (6th day) 5767,2006/10/12
Hol H’Moed Sukkot (6th day) 5768,2007/10/2
Hol H’Moed Sukkot (6th day) 5769,2008/10/19
Hol H’Moed Sukkot (6th day) 5770,2009/10/8
Hol H’Moed Sukkot (6th day) 5771,2010/9/28
Hol H’Moed Sukkot (7th day) 5764,2003/10/17
Hol H’Moed Sukkot (7th day) 5765,2004/10/6
Hol H’Moed Sukkot (7th day) 5766,2005/10/24
Hol H’Moed Sukkot (7th day) 5767,2006/10/13
Hol H’Moed Sukkot (7th day) 5768,2007/10/3
Hol H’Moed Sukkot (7th day) 5769,2008/10/20
Hol H’Moed Sukkot (7th day) 5770,2009/10/9
Hol H’Moed Sukkot (7th day) 5771,2010/9/29
Hol H’Moed Sukkot (8th day) 5764,2003/10/18
Hol H’Moed Sukkot (8th day) 5765,2004/10/7
Hol H’Moed Sukkot (8th day) 5766,2005/10/25
Hol H’Moed Sukkot (8th day) 5767,2006/10/14
Hol H’Moed Sukkot (8th day) 5768,2007/10/4
Hol H’Moed Sukkot (8th day) 5769,2008/10/21
Hol H’Moed Sukkot (8th day) 5770,2009/10/10
Hol H’Moed Sukkot (8th day) 5771,2010/9/30
Isru Hag (Passover) 5763,2003/4/24
Isru Hag (Passover) 5764,2004/4/13
Isru Hag (Passover) 5765,2005/5/1
Isru Hag (Passover) 5766,2006/4/20
Isru Hag (Passover) 5767,2007/4/10
Isru Hag (Passover) 5768,2008/4/27
Isru Hag (Passover) 5769,2009/4/16
Isru Hag (Passover) 5770,2010/4/6
Isru Hag (Shavuot) 5763,2003/6/7
Isru Hag (Shavuot) 5764,2004/5/27
Isru Hag (Shavuot) 5765,2005/6/14
Isru Hag (Shavuot) 5766,2006/6/3
Isru Hag (Shavuot) 5767,2007/5/24
Isru Hag (Shavuot) 5768,2008/6/10
Isru Hag (Shavuot) 5769,2009/5/30
Isru Hag (Shavuot) 5770,2010/5/20
Kol Nidre 5764,2003/10/5
Kol Nidre 5765,2004/9/24
Kol Nidre 5766,2005/10/12
Kol Nidre 5767,2006/10/1
Kol Nidre 5768,2007/9/21
Kol Nidre 5769,2008/10/8
Kol Nidre 5770,2009/9/27
Kol Nidre 5771,2010/9/17
Lag Ba’omer 5763,2003/5/20
Lag Ba’omer 5764,2004/5/9
Lag Ba’omer 5765,2005/5/27
Lag Ba’omer 5766,2006/5/16
Lag Ba’omer 5767,2007/5/6
Lag Ba’omer 5768,2008/5/23
Lag Ba’omer 5769,2009/5/12
Lag Ba’omer 5770,2010/5/2
Passover First Seder 5763,2003/4/16
Passover First Seder 5764,2004/4/5
Passover First Seder 5765,2005/4/23
Passover First Seder 5766,2006/4/12
Passover First Seder 5767,2007/4/2
Passover First Seder 5768,2008/4/19
Passover First Seder 5769,2009/4/8
Passover First Seder 5770,2010/3/29
Passover Second Seder 5763,2003/4/17
Passover Second Seder 5764,2004/4/6
Passover Second Seder 5765,2005/4/24
Passover Second Seder 5766,2006/4/13
Passover Second Seder 5767,2007/4/3
Passover Second Seder 5768,2008/4/20
Passover Second Seder 5769,2009/4/9
Passover Second Seder 5770,2010/3/30
Purim 5763,2003/3/18
Purim 5764,2004/3/7
Purim 5765,2005/3/25
Purim 5766,2006/3/14
Purim 5767,2007/3/4
Purim 5768,2008/3/21
Purim 5769,2009/3/10
Purim 5770,2010/2/28
Purim Katan 5763,2003/2/16
Purim Katan 5765,2005/2/23
Purim Katan 5768,2008/2/20
Rosh Hashanah (1st day) 5764,2003/9/27
Rosh Hashanah (1st day) 5765,2004/9/16
Rosh Hashanah (1st day) 5766,2005/10/4
Rosh Hashanah (1st day) 5767,2006/9/23
Rosh Hashanah (1st day) 5768,2007/9/13
Rosh Hashanah (1st day) 5769,2008/9/30
Rosh Hashanah (1st day) 5770,2009/9/19
Rosh Hashanah (1st day) 5771,2010/9/9
Rosh Hashanah (2nd day) 5764,2003/9/28
Rosh Hashanah (2nd day) 5765,2004/9/17
Rosh Hashanah (2nd day) 5766,2005/10/5
Rosh Hashanah (2nd day) 5767,2006/9/24
Rosh Hashanah (2nd day) 5768,2007/9/14
Rosh Hashanah (2nd day) 5769,2008/10/1
Rosh Hashanah (2nd day) 5770,2009/9/20
Rosh Hashanah (2nd day) 5771,2010/9/10
Sh’mini Atzeret 5764,2003/10/18
Sh’mini Atzeret 5765,2004/10/7
Sh’mini Atzeret 5766,2005/10/25
Sh’mini Atzeret 5767,2006/10/14
Sh’mini Atzeret 5768,2007/10/4
Sh’mini Atzeret 5769,2008/10/21
Sh’mini Atzeret 5770,2009/10/10
Sh’mini Atzeret 5771,2010/9/30
Shavuot 5763,2003/6/6
Shavuot 5764,2004/5/26
Shavuot 5765,2005/6/13
Shavuot 5766,2006/6/2
Shavuot 5767,2007/5/23
Shavuot 5768,2008/6/9
Shavuot 5769,2009/5/29
Shavuot 5770,2010/5/19
Shiv’ah Asar b’Tammuz 5764,2003/7/17
Shiv’ah Asar b’Tammuz 5765,2004/7/6
Shiv’ah Asar b’Tammuz 5766,2005/7/24
Shiv’ah Asar b’Tammuz 5767,2006/7/13
Shiv’ah Asar b’Tammuz 5768,2007/7/3
Shiv’ah Asar b’Tammuz 5769,2008/7/20
Shiv’ah Asar b’Tammuz 5770,2009/7/9
Shiv’ah Asar b’Tammuz 5771,2010/6/29
Shushan Purim 5763,2003/3/19
Shushan Purim 5764,2004/3/8
Shushan Purim 5765,2005/3/26
Shushan Purim 5766,2006/3/15
Shushan Purim 5767,2007/3/5
Shushan Purim 5768,2008/3/22
Shushan Purim 5769,2009/3/11
Shushan Purim 5770,2010/3/1
Simchat Torah 5764,2003/10/19
Simchat Torah 5765,2004/10/8
Simchat Torah 5766,2005/10/26
Simchat Torah 5767,2006/10/15
Simchat Torah 5768,2007/10/5
Simchat Torah 5769,2008/10/22
Simchat Torah 5770,2009/10/11
Simchat Torah 5771,2010/10/1
Ta’anit Ester 5763,2003/3/17
Ta’anit Ester 5764,2004/3/4
Ta’anit Ester 5765,2005/3/24
Ta’anit Ester 5766,2006/3/13
Ta’anit Ester 5767,2007/3/1
Ta’anit Ester 5768,2008/3/20
Ta’anit Ester 5769,2009/3/9
Ta’anit Ester 5770,2010/2/25
Tisha B’Av 5763,2003/8/7
Tisha B’Av 5764,2004/7/27
Tisha B’Av 5765,2005/8/14
Tisha B’Av 5766,2006/8/3
Tisha B’Av 5767,2007/7/24
Tisha B’Av 5768,2008/8/10
Tisha B’Av 5769,2009/7/30
Tisha B’Av 5770,2010/7/20
Tu B’Shvat 5763,2003/1/18
Tu B’Shvat 5764,2004/2/7
Tu B’Shvat 5765,2005/1/25
Tu B’Shvat 5766,2006/2/13
Tu B’Shvat 5767,2007/2/3
Tu B’Shvat 5769,2008/1/22
Tu B’Shvat 5770,2009/2/9
Tu B’Shvat 5771,2010/1/30
Yom Kippur 5764,2003/10/6
Yom Kippur 5765,2004/9/25
Yom Kippur 5766,2005/10/13
Yom Kippur 5767,2006/10/2
Yom Kippur 5768,2007/9/22
Yom Kippur 5769,2008/10/9
Yom Kippur 5770,2009/9/28
Yom Kippur 5771,2010/9/18