Outlook 2000 not archiving inbox



Hey all. I have Outlook 2000 with all necessary service
packs. I thought I had archiving setup correctly but maybe
not. When I opened my archive the only items archived were
sent items, deleted items and notes. I really wanted my
inbox archived. I clicked Tools> options> other>
autoarchive is set for:

1. archiving every 5 days
2. prompt before autoarchive
3. Not sure if "delete expired items when autoarchiving"
was checked. I was frantic when I could not find archive
and I might have switched it on/off.

When I looked at the "Autoarchive" tab of my inbox it says:

1. clean out items older than 2 months
2. "Do not mive old items" is unchecked
3. "Permanently delete old items" is checked

The auto archive tab of my sent items (which did archive)

1. clean out items older than 2 months
2. Move old items to a local directory
3. Do not permanently delete old items" is unchecked.

Also, when I go to archive manually by going file >
archive, I see that the "include items with do not
autoarchive checked" is not checked.

Here is what I want to know:

1. If there is a choice to "do not autoarchive" a folder
where is that choice? I see it in XP office but not in 2k

2. If I had originall setup my archive with the "delete
expired items" choice does that mean that any "expired"
items in my inbox would not be archived? And what
does "expired" mean?

3. If my inbox autoarchive properties was set to
permanently delete old items would that have affected
items only 1 month old if my archive is set to clean out
items after 2 months?

I understand that the inbox is not set to autoarchive by
default. I just want to make sure it is set to do it
somehow.Thanks in advance.

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