Error Message: The file C:\Users\Administrator\Documents\outlookbackup.pst is
not compatible with this version of the Personal Folders information service.
Contact your administrator.
Read carefullY: This occurs when I export all my contact information to a
..pst file from Outlook 2000 (not even SR1 updated) using an XP SP2 computer
that was synched up with an Exchange 2000 server at one time but is now stand
alone to a Vista computer running Outlook 2000 SR3 synched to an exchange
2003 server.
Both workstations run Outlook 2000 yet I still get the same message. What is
the fix for this?
not compatible with this version of the Personal Folders information service.
Contact your administrator.
Read carefullY: This occurs when I export all my contact information to a
..pst file from Outlook 2000 (not even SR1 updated) using an XP SP2 computer
that was synched up with an Exchange 2000 server at one time but is now stand
alone to a Vista computer running Outlook 2000 SR3 synched to an exchange
2003 server.
Both workstations run Outlook 2000 yet I still get the same message. What is
the fix for this?